What is Monsoon Finance
GovernanceMonsoon is completely decentralized, controlled and governed by its community. By acquiring MCASH tokens, you can participate by voting on governance proposals and weighing in on the evolution of the protocol.
Anonymity Mining
When the token is launched and publicly available, by using Monsoon you will also mine MCASH, the governance token of Monsoon Finance. The more you use it, the more say you have in the evolution of the protocol.
Trusted Setup Ceremony
Trusted setup ceremony for zkSNARKs has 1114 contributions, as long as at least 1 contribution is honest, the zkSNARK keys are secure.
DetailsIDO (Bullperks Launchpad): Sep 27, 2021 - Sep 27, 2021IDO (PolyStarter Launchpad): Sep 27, 2021 - Sep 27, 2021 IDO (Bullperks Launchpad): Aug 26, 2021 - Aug 28, 2021 LegalBlockchain Platform: Polygon | Token infoTicker: MCASHToken price in USD: 1 BUSD = 6.54 MCASH |
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