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Apptrade (APPX)


A decentralized apps marketplace on the Bitshares blockchain. It promises to make app funding easier for publishers and safer for investors

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Project industryTrading & Investing

Technical details

Apptrade will have a decentralized exchange on the Bitshares blockchain. App portfolio tokens will be tradeable on OpenLedger’s DEX marketplaces.

What is Apptrade

- Aims to create a 'stock market of apps' ( i.e. mobile apps, indie games, virtual reality assets, on demand apps, music, digital movies, ebooks), where developers can raise money with regulation compliant blockchain tokens (Smartcoins) - Investors will be able to trade these assets, backed by app revenue streams (digitally shared reserve of apps` portions of earnings) - Apptrade helps publishers and developers share risk, with cross-marketing and collaborative funding via app portfolios (allowing app publishers to pool resources) - Market analytics tools for app value analysis

Token info

Ticker: APPX
Dividends: Apptrade Master Tokens (APPX) holders will be granted 10% of the net market value and revenue of the Apptrade ecosystem
Accepted currencies: BTC
Token distribution:
Total Apptrade master tokens supply: 1 Billion. First year supply: 100 million. Crowdsale first round supply (starts 28 Feb 2017): 8.25 million. Following the crowdsale, the platform will start issuing master tokens three times a year based on the demand. Minimum Threshold: $1 million USD Maximum Cap: $5 million USD

Social media

Apptrade web-siteApptrade X (Twitter)

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