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Bitquery specializes in blockchain data problems solutions that offers Coinpath and digital assets. They also provide blockchain APIs for Bitcoin, Ethereum and Web3 protocols like Uniswap etc.

Seed Round $8.5M

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Project industryOther
Product typePlatform
FoundedRussian Federation

What is Bitquery

Bitquery offers a set of software products that parse, index, and store blockchain data in a unified way. Its two major product lines — APIs and data analytics tools — cover over 40 blockchains and provide use cases across verticals such as digital assets exchanges, DeFi protocols, government organizations, and more.


  • Coinpath is a set of API endpoints to trace money of any source and destination, create money flow graphs, and aggregate transfers to addresses.
  • Digital Asset APIs are crypto-centric and provide indexed information for all major cryptocurrencies, coins, and tokens. It supports visualization of transactions that happened since the genesis block.
  • DEX GraphQL APIs offer real-time trading data from multiple DEX protocols across different blockchains. Users can build charts, find arbitrage opportunities, analyze DEX markets and more.

Data analytics tools:

  • GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data.
  • Bloxy and Bitquery Explorer are client-side Web applications that offer analytics for more than 40 blockchains. Backed by a multi-dimensional database, Bitquery Explorer can aggregate data to facilitate complex analysis.
  • Bitquery widgets allow users to view blockchain analytics, dApp, and DeFi data on the website easily.


Raised: 8,500,000 USD


Registration country: United States
Registration year: 2021
Office address: 99 Wall St, 1808, New York, NY 10005, US

Project team

Dean Karakitsos
Dean Karakitsos
Founder & CEO
Dean Karakitsos linkedin
Andrey Stepanov
Andrey Stepanov
Software Developer
Andrey Stepanov linkedin
Rashid Tazitdinov
Rashid Tazitdinov
Head of Talent Acquisition
Rashid Tazitdinov linkedin
Dmitrii Krasnov
Dmitrii Krasnov
VP of Engineering
Dmitrii Krasnov linkedin
Andrey Ivanov
Andrey Ivanov
Ruby on Rails Developer
Andrey Ivanov linkedin
Aleksey Studnev
Aleksey Studnev
Founder, CTO
Aleksey Studnev linkedin
Gaurav Agrawal
Gaurav Agrawal
Head of Growth
Gaurav Agrawal linkedin
Kevin Ding
Kevin Ding
Kevin Ding linkedin
Andrey Gridin
Andrey Gridin
DevOps Tech Lead
Andrey Gridin linkedin

Social media

Bitquery web-siteBitquery TelegramBitquery LinkedInBitquery X (Twitter)Bitquery Github

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