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CombiCoin (COMBI)

To be announced

CombiCoin is a coin that is 100% asset backed by the top 30 of the currencies with the highest market cap on the cryptocurrency market. The CombiCoin will benefit from the growth of the currencies asset backing it and at the same time diversify the risk significantly.

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Project industryTrading & Investing
WhitepaperCombiCoin White Paper Open

Technical details

CombiCoin and TRIA tokens are Ethereum based, The smart contracts are based on the work of OpenZeppelin (thanks for the great community!)

What is CombiCoin

The assets backing CombiCoin consist out of the top 30 of cryptocurrencies The assets will be actively managed to ensure that it gives a representation of the market and to prevent that no single coin becomes dominant. 91 - 99.9% of the funds raised will be used for asset backing CombiCoin, the same CombiCoin that investors will receive. The smart trading software will ensure a stable price that will be close to value of the assets backing it 50% of the profit made will be distributed as profit share Profit share will be automatically sent to holders of TRIA token


Public sales: Aug 31, 2017 - TBA


Blockchain Platform: Ethereum

Token info

Ticker: COMBI
Dividends: 50% of all monthly profits made by Triaconta will be automatically distributed to holders of TRIA tokens on a monthly basis.
Accepted currencies: BTC, ETH, USD, EUR
Token distribution:
CombiCoin -94% to investors -6% for Founders, Team & advisors TRIA token -92% to investors -2% for bounties -6% for Founders, Team & advisors

Project team

Don Molenaar
Don Molenaar
Guusy Hilte
Guusy Hilte
Thomas de Wolf
Thomas de Wolf
Jop van RooijAdvisors
Jop van RooijAdvisors
Arie Buijs
Arie Buijs
Jan Campagne
Jan Campagne
Philippe Vegelin
Philippe Vegelin
Gerard Hilte
Gerard Hilte
Leon van Noord
Leon van Noord
Seva Latin
Seva Latin
Erwin Bonnet
Erwin Bonnet
Matthijs Keinemans
Matthijs Keinemans


Arie Buijs
Arie Buijs
Jan Campagne
Jan Campagne
Philippe Vegelin
Philippe Vegelin
Gerard Hilte
Gerard Hilte
Leon van Noord
Leon van Noord
Seva Latin
Seva Latin
Erwin Bonnet
Erwin Bonnet
Matthijs Keinemans
Matthijs Keinemans

Social media

CombiCoin web-siteCombiCoin BTCTalkCombiCoin LinkedInCombiCoin X (Twitter)CombiCoin FacebookCombiCoin Github

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