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Corion Platform (COR)


A multi-functional platform for businesses and individuals to join and build a worldwide decentralized network.Is иased on mutual benefits, simplicity, security, cost-effectiveness, speed, and a stable means of payment

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Project industryFinance Services & Banking
WhitepaperCorion Platform White Paper Open

Technical details

Blockchain: Ethereum Classic Consensus method: Proof of Work

What is Corion Platform

The CORION Platform provides: ? Stable price against the US dollar ? Demand-based coin release ? Fair distribution of released coins within the community Role of token: Voting, payment, access, and contribution rights


Public sales: Jun 17, 2017 - Jul 29, 2017
Raised: 3,123,000 USD


Registration country: Switzerland

Token info

Token price in USD: 1 = 1 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, ETC
Token distribution:
Total token supply: Based on market demand Total crowdsale token supply: 20,000,000 Emission rate: Variable 0-2.5% daily Emission during the ICO: 0.20% daily

Corion Platform Roadmap


Market research platform plan

2017 Q1

Development: 9 Smart Contracts

2017 Q2

Development: CORION Wallet

June 18

ICO Start

July 30


2017 Q4

Expanding Wallet services


Switching to own blockchain

Project team

Miklós Denkler
Miklós Denkler
FinTech & sales expert
Miklós Denkler linkedin
Attila Dancs
Attila Dancs
Blockchain business expert
Attila Dancs linkedin
Andor "iFA" Rajci
CORION Core developer
Zsombor Deics
Zsombor Deics
Zsombor Deics linkedin
Dániel Nagy A.
Dániel Nagy A.
Technical Advisor & Ethereum Core Developer
Gábor Gajdos
Gábor Gajdos
Wallet & Front end developer
Gábor Gajdos facebook
Zoltán Bor
Zoltán Bor
Cryptocoin expert
Zoltán Bor twitter
Zsolt Kukorelly Dr.
Zsolt Kukorelly Dr.
Algorythm advisor
Gábor Csizmazia Dr.
Gábor Csizmazia Dr.
Marketing automation
Gábor Csizmazia Dr. linkedin
Ida Froyda
Ida Froyda
Communications and marketing
Ida Froyda linkedin
András Lőwy
András Lőwy
Social media & analytics
Krisztián Száraz
Krisztián Száraz
SEO Expert
Krisztián Száraz linkedin
Pál Kukorelly Dr.
Pál Kukorelly Dr.
Fiscal advisor
Sommer Sherwood
Sommer Sherwood
Corion Ambassador
Arogundade Sammy
Arogundade Sammy
Ambassador for Africa
Arogundade Sammy linkedin
Rupert Várnai
Rupert Várnai
Asian business expert
Rupert Várnai linkedin
Ádám Zebegnyei
Ádám Zebegnyei
Legal advisor
Ádám Zebegnyei linkedin
Mike Costache
Mike Costache
Chief Advisor
Endre Jobbágy
Endre Jobbágy
Payment gateway advisor
Michael Terpin
Michael Terpin
PR Advisor CEO at Transform Group & Chairman at BitAngels
Máté Tokay
Máté Tokay
Crypto strategist
Máté Tokay linkedin
Zsolt Németh
Zsolt Németh
Security advisor
Zsolt Németh linkedin
Jeff Burton
Jeff Burton
Serial Entrepreneur
Jeff Burton linkedin

Social media

Corion Platform web-siteCorion PlatformYouTubeCorion Platform TelegramCorion Platform BTCTalkCorion Platform X (Twitter)Corion Platform FacebookCorion Platform SlackCorion Platform Github

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