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DAOstack (GEN)


DAOstack is an operating system for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).

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Project industryEthereum Ecosystem / DAO
Product typePlatform
WhitepaperDAOstack White Paper Open
OnepagerDAOstack Onepager Open

What is DAOstack

DAOstack enables the creation and interoperability of web companies, collaboration apps and DAOs. Smart Agencies are the atomic entities of governance on the blockchain. A DAO, then, is a mesh network of Agencies aligned by their goals and economic interests, as well as a unified token.

The DAO stack includes the technological and product layers needed for the operation and governance of Agencies and DAOs. It enables the collaborative management of their assets and decision power, the coordination of work and business agreements with other Agencies or DAOs, and the management of their own protocols. DAOstack comprises 4 layers:

  • Arc? is a modular Solidity framework — working on the Ethereum blockchain — for the operation and governance of Agencies. Arc allows for deployment and configuration of Agencies. Arc contains an open library of governance modules and templates, essentialy functioning as a CMS for DAOs.
  • Arc.js? is a javascript library that lets front-end developers build collaborative applications on Arc without the technikal knowledge of Solidity or the blockchain.
  • Alchemy? is the first native user interface for Arc (and for the DAO ecosystem) built by DAOstack. Further third-party applications will be integrated to Arc and the stack in the future.
  • The? ?ArcHives? are DAOstack’s shared registries that support interoperability and network effect between the third-party collaborative DApps built on top of Arc:
    • Mosaic? is the registry of all agencies and DAOs, being curated by the DAOstack community and serving the DAOstack ecosystem.
    • Compendium? is the registry of all governance modules available for agencies, audited and curated by the DAOstack dev community.
    • The? ?Hive? is a shared registry of offers and requests.

Most of the expected proceeds from the DAOstack token sale will be reserved for management by a DAO fund, in which the community of GEN token and reputation holders will create proposals for the allocation of resources



Public sales: May 01, 2018 - Jun 07, 2018
Token supply: 40000000
Hard cap: 30,000,000USD
Raised: 3,000,000 USD


Registration country: Gibraltar

Token info

Ticker: GEN
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-20
Token price in USD: 1 GEN= 1 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH

Project team

Nathalia Scherer
Nathalia Scherer
Community & BIZ DEV
Nathalia Scherer linkedin
Josh Zemel
Josh Zemel
Josh Zemel linkedin
Roberto Klein
Roberto Klein
Legal & Finance
Roberto Klein linkedin
Yehonatan Goldman
Yehonatan Goldman
Yehonatan Goldman linkedin
Adam Levi
Adam Levi
CTO / Technology
Adam Levi linkedin
Matan Field
Matan Field
CEO & Architect
Matan Field linkedin
Oren Sokolowsky
Oren Sokolowsky
Lead Developer
Oren Sokolowsky linkedin
Shira Smilanski
Shira Smilanski
Primavera de Filippi
Primavera de Filippi
Primavera de Filippi linkedin

Social media

DAOstack web-siteDAOstack RedditDAOstack MediumDAOstackYouTubeDAOstack TelegramDAOstack BTCTalkDAOstack LinkedInDAOstack X (Twitter)DAOstack SlackDAOstack Github

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