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Digitex Futures (DGTX)


Digitex (DGTX) is a commission-free futures exchange with its own native cryptocurrency, the DGTX token.

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Project industryExchanges & Wallets
Product typePlatform
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Technical details

DGTX is the protocol token that is the native currency of the Digitex Futures Exchange.

What is Digitex Futures

The Digitex Futures Exchange is a revolutionary new futures exchange model that mints its own native cryptocurrency to replace the need for transaction fees on trades. Commission-free trading will create highly liquid futures markets by attracting high volume, short term traders whose trading strategies are not viable on other exchanges due to commissions. As cryptocurrency prices rise, percentage based transaction fees on other exchanges will also rise, further increasing the appeal of a commission-free futures exchange.

Commission-free markets create demand for DGTX tokens which more than offsets the inflationary cost of creating that demand.

Traders on Digitex can participate in liquid, commission-free markets without needing to trust the exchange with custody of their funds, further differentiating the exchange from the traditional exchanges that require traders to relinquish full control of their account balances to a central third party that can potentially freeze/ mismanage/lose those funds.

Through Decentralized Governance by Blockchain (DGBB), new token issuance for the purpose of revenue generation is run democratically by DGTX token owners.

Highly liquid, commission-free futures markets on a stable, fast and trustless trading platform, during a period of exponential growth in cryptocurrency trading, will attract a large number of traders, creating huge demand for DGTX tokens. As the price of DGTX tokens increases the exchange must create fewer tokens to cover costs, thereby reducing the inflationary cost of creating new tokens.


Public sales: Jan 15, 2018 - Feb 15, 2018
Token supply: 1,000,000,000 DGTX
Total tokens for sale: 700,000,000 DGTX
Hard cap: 7,000,000 USD
Raised: 5,200,000 USD


Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
Country limitations: USA
Registration country: Seychelles
Office address: Seychelles International Business Company located at Global Gateway 8, Rue de la Perle, Providence, Mahe, Seychelles


Bounty: 5%

Token info

Ticker: DGTX
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-223
Token price in USD: 1 DGTX = 0.01 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, LTC, USD
Bonus program:
20% - 1st week bonus
Token distribution:
650M DGTX (65%) DGTX Token Sale
200M DGTX (20%) Digitex Market Makers
100M DGTX (10%) Team (current and future)
50M DGTX (5%) Referrals

Project team

Adam Todd
Adam Todd
Founder & CEO
Christina Comben
Christina Comben
Director of Communications
Lidia Yadlos
Lidia Yadlos
Senior Advisor
Kyle Rea
Kyle Rea
Marketing Strategist
Luke Green
Luke Green
Content Contributor
Sarah Rothrie
Sarah Rothrie
Editor & Content Contributor
Maxim Bashmakov
Maxim Bashmakov
Creative Director
Vadim Ogorodnikov
Vadim Ogorodnikov
UI Designer
Sergey Koniukh
Sergey Koniukh
Project Manager
Marina Andrievska
Marina Andrievska
Graphic Designer
Dave Reiter
Dave Reiter
Market Analyst
Gary Finlay
Gary Finlay
Community Manager
Jolien Coomans
Jolien Coomans
Community Manager
Dmitrij Szewcow
Dmitrij Szewcow
Community Management
Radim Ptak
Radim Ptak
Community Manager

Social media

Digitex Futures web-siteDigitex Futures RedditDigitex Futures MediumDigitex FuturesYouTubeDigitex Futures TelegramDigitex Futures BTCTalkDigitex Futures X (Twitter)Digitex Futures Facebook

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