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Forgecdn (FORGE)


ForgeCDN network – decentralized content delivery network based on the principles of fog computing, using AI, whose participants make settlements in the cryptocurrency, and transactions get recorded in the blockchain.

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Project industryBig Data & Data Storage
Product typePlatform
WhitepaperForgecdn White Paper Open

What is Forgecdn

  • Coverage of distant region: core system treats the nodes as homogeneous environment and transfers content from central Internet backbones to distant regions instantly.
  • The system's core constantly monitors the connected workers and if one goes off, redistributes the load among the rest. In case one hub fails, all workers and end users get redirected to the nearest hub. This makes DDoS attacks impossible.
  • The number of the networkworkers is unlimited, therefore potential volume of cache in ForgeCDN is also unlimited. 
  • The network uses smart managers of operational and disk memory for network members. 
  • Presence of artificial intelligence on the basis of 36 parameters, such as geographical distance, channel bandwidth, cached data in RAM and so on. 
  • Using a symmetric algorithm of block-based content encryption AES 128, accepted as a standard for encryption by the US government.


Pre-sales: Apr 02, 2018 - Apr 29, 2018
Public sales: Apr 30, 2018 - Jun 02, 2018
Token supply: 47408900
Soft cap: 1,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 25,000,000 USD


Bounty: 1%
Translation: 15%
Social media: 65%
Bitcoin talk signature campaign: 15%

Token info

Ticker: FORGE
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-20
Token price in USD: 1 Token = 0.001000 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH
Token distribution:
77% Token sale;
15% Team;
7% Pioneer miners as remuneration;
1% Bounty-campaigns
Funds allocation:
30% - Marketing
20%- Sales
20% - R&D
10% - Support
10% - Operations
10% - Bonuses

Forgecdn Roadmap

Q1 2017

Worker development for windows. Fast http web-server multithreading.
Worker development for windows. The manager of operating memory.
Worker development for windows. Disk storage manager.
Worker development for windows. Content Cryptography Module.
Worker development for windows. API module for interaction with the core.
Worker development for windows. The module for obtaining data from the origin.
Worker development for windows. Statistics and reports module.
Core of the system development (core). API for working with the worker.
Core of the system development (core). Module for working with end users, which makes a decision and redirects to the workers.

Q2 2017

Core of the system development (core). The neural network module for data processing and retraining.
Deployment of distributed cloud infrastructure on different continents. Deployment of the system with geographic and load redundancy.
Core of the system development (core). Alpha testing.
Personal cabinet development. User and role module.
Personal cabinet development. Module for registration and authorization of the account.

Q3 2017

Porting the worker under Linux (ubuntu).
Personal cabinet development. The client's PC.
Personal cabinet development. The participant's PC.

Q4 2017

Personal cabinet development. Billing.
Personal cabinet development. The system of statistics.
Personal cabinet development. API for interaction with the core.
Writing the Ethereum contract.
Review of the Ethereum contract.

Q1 2018

Alpha testing of the whole system.
ICO preparation.
Work with funds and partners.

Q2 2018

Issuing tokens based on the Ethereum platform.
Open beta testing of the system.

Q3 2018

Realization of clever fence of cached content from worker to worker.
DNS server development for automatic issuing domain names to workers instead of working on IP addresses.
Token authorization for content protection.
The ability to specify your own domain name for the client instead of receiving a level 3 name in the zone
The ability to work on HTTPS (the client will be able to download its SSL keys).
Optimizing the system for delivering streaming video content.
The ability to insert targeted ads into the delivered video streams.

Q4 2018

Integration with the top-10 CMS and e-Commerce platforms for instant CDN connection without having to go into the settings.

Project team

Deim Rumbeshta
Deim Rumbeshta
Founder, CEO
Nick Pesegov
Nick Pesegov
Co-Founder, Business and Technical Adviser
Yana Lokotosh
Yana Lokotosh
Daria Evstegneeva
Daria Evstegneeva
Product Designer, Editor
Alex Ziganshin
Alex Ziganshin
Backend Web developer
Eugene Golov
Eugene Golov
QA/QC, Smart-contract developer
Andrey Nikitin
Andrey Nikitin
Investor Relations
Konstantin Koikov
Konstantin Koikov
Frontend Web developer
Alex Kozyavkin
Alex Kozyavkin
PR and Marketing Analyst


Vasily Popravko
Vasily Popravko
Market research Adviser
Vladislav Marchenko
Vladislav Marchenko
Business Adviser
Ruslan Fatihanov
Ruslan Fatihanov
Business and Marketing Adviser

Social media

Forgecdn web-siteForgecdn MediumForgecdn TelegramForgecdn InstagramForgecdn X (Twitter)Forgecdn Facebook

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