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Gold Mine Token (GMT)


The Project offers crowdfunded investments in the GoldMine Token derivative (seedefinition above), which is implemented as a financial instrument on the blockchain platform and is backed by the industrial commodity (gold).

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Project industryTrading & Investing
WhitepaperGold Mine Token White Paper Open

Technical details

The project has 3 active large scale exploration licenses and 1 active gold mine (>1500 kg of gold above 35m level is confirmed by SGS laboratory) in Zambia.

What is Gold Mine Token

The company gives a cryptoasset (called GoldMine Token) whose value is based on Gold. This asset runs on a decentralised blockchain and provides the following benefits: It serves as a type of futures contract in there is a legal agreement to buy or sell the gold at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future It helps to hedge cryptotrading risks. GoldMine Tokens benefits in the following ways: GMT helps to use gold-backed investments as credible collateral.. Investors can trade gold quickly and easily.


Raised: 8,000 USD

Token info

Ticker: GMT
Dividends: 100% of GoldMine users fees are distributed amongst token holders.
Token price in USD: 1 GMT= 0.01 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH
Token distribution:
ICO - 65%
Pre-ICO - 15%
Marketing - 15%
Team - 5%

Project team

Alexander Glebov
Alexander Glebov
Pavel Markov
Pavel Markov
Elena Moiseeva
Elena Moiseeva
Anna Barsegyan
Anna Barsegyan
Boris Flore
Boris Flore
Ivan Dakhno
Ivan Dakhno
Irina Nikolaeva
Irina Nikolaeva
Michael Garret
Michael Garret
Ferdous Bhai
Ferdous Bhai
Denis Kalinika
Denis Kalinika


Amadou Ba
Amadou Ba
Richard Adam
Richard Adam
George Danelia
George Danelia

Social media

Gold Mine Token web-siteGold Mine Token TelegramGold Mine Token BTCTalk

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