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Hive Power (HVT)


Hive Power develops a platform which provides consumers with the possibility to benefit from the creation of electrical energy communities on the Ethereum blockchain. Within those communities, neighbors can share their energy with each other, taking advantage of convenient tariffs.

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Project industryEnergy & Utilities
Product typeService
WhitepaperHive Power White Paper Open

What is Hive Power

Hive Power platform takes into account technical aspects, such as cables, power rating, and voltage limits in order to provide an optimal solution that achieves multiple objectives. Hive Power is designed for the current grid configuration, enabling the electrical grid to operate safely and cost-effectively by ensuring a fair and resilient energy market for all actors involved.

Each Hive contains a Queen, which collects the energy forecasts and coordinates the energy production and consumption of the Workers in the Hive. Each Hive has a unique Administrator. Hive Power administrator also manages the local grid infrastructure and ensures that the Ethereum Meters are installed correctly. In the Hive Power framework the interaction between a Hive and its Administrator is not direct, but it is mediated by a smart contract called the Beekeeper.

The Hive smart contract has the main functionality to manage a single hive. An instance of this contract is deployed on the blockchain by the Beekeeper if a sufficient staking of HVTs is provided.

Hive Power will set up a governance system to allow all HVT holders to provide input and feedback on the upgrades of the Beekeeper Contract, allowing them to address the development of this service, and as a consequence, to influence the entire project framework.


Public sales: Jun 11, 2018 - Jun 30, 2018
Token supply: 100000000
Soft cap: 1,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 11,000,000 USD
Raised: 900,000 USD

Token info

Ticker: HVT
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-20
Token price in USD: 1 Token = 0.250000 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH
Bonus program:
Royal Jelly
First 5 million HVT - 30% (1 HVT = 0.192 USD)
Next 20 million HVT - 10% (1 HVT = 0.227 USD)
The remaining 25 million HVT - 0% (1 HVT = 0.25 USD)
Token distribution:
65% - Resesarch and development
20% - Pilot projects
15% - Expansion
Funds allocation:
54% - Sale (50% - public, 4% - private)
33% - Company
10% - Founders
3% - Referral & Airdrop

Hive Power Roadmap

Q2 2018 Hive Power 1.0

The Hive will consist of single household Workers and multi-family buildings, coupled to a low voltage grid in Switzerland. The Queen will be operated by the local Distribution System Operator.

Q1 2019 Hive Power 2.0

Innovative features such as access to the flexibility market and real time operation will be implemented to improve economic and technical performance. A microgrid testbed will be set up in a developing country.

Q1 2020 Hive Power 3.0

The Hive capabilities will be extended through new features, such as investment pools, auto topology discovery, self-healing (fault detection) and multi-owner Hives.

Project team

Janine Videva
Janine Videva
Community Manager
Janine Videva linkedin
Elisa Battistella
Elisa Battistella
Social Media Manager
Elisa Battistella linkedin


Gerardo Lecuona
Gerardo Lecuona
Power Electronics Industry
Gerardo Lecuona linkedin
Barbara Antonioli Mantegazzini
Barbara Antonioli Mantegazzini
Energy Economics
Barbara Antonioli Mantegazzini linkedin
Emanuele Cesena
Emanuele Cesena
Cryptography & Security
Emanuele Cesena linkedin
Arthur Gervais
Arthur Gervais
Blockchain and Off-chain Scalability
Arthur Gervais linkedin
Rami Khalil
Rami Khalil
Off-chain Payment Networks
Rami Khalil linkedin
Marco Merlo
Marco Merlo
Electrical Grids
Marco Merlo linkedin
Roman Rudel
Roman Rudel
Energy Policies
Roman Rudel linkedin

Social media

Hive Power web-siteHive Power MediumHive Power TelegramHive Power X (Twitter)Hive Power FacebookHive Power Github

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