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Itos Finance

Next Generation AMM for Smarter Safer Market Making Yields, Simple Hedges, Synthetic Options, and more, all from one place.

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Project industryOther
Product typeDeFi
WhitepaperItos Finance White Paper Open

What is Itos Finance

Access smarter market making yields, synthetic options, simple hedges, and more through our dual curve liquidity AMM.

Our vision is to bring DeFi to everyone by making it the go-to asset management platform it can be. In order to get there, we have to make DeFi a safer place for every day investment.

That means reducing volatility and reducing risks with the latest in financial engineering. At the same time, we've seen firsthand how gated and obfuscated traditional finance can be. We're dedicated to ensuring DeFi remains open, transparent, and honest. No hidden risks, no hidden fees.

Finally, finance should be easy. At the end the day we're all trying to build wealth so Itos focuses on making safe and smarter investment strategies easy to use.


Registration year: 2022

Itos Finance Roadmap

Mainnet Releases

Expect Arbitrum and Avalanche mainnet releases in November!

Our Season 1 announcements will also happen then.

Liquidation-Free Borrow Lending

A money market where users can put on hedges to prevent ever getting liquidated.

This also allows you to borrow at higher utilization rates for even more capital efficiency.

Expected timeline is end of 2023.

Self-Funding Insurance

View all the protocols you're using and choose which ones to open insurance on.

If you don't want to worry about the insurance premium, we can help you setup a custom liquidity position to cancel out the expected fee costs.

Ultra-Short Term Finance

Earn more 50x more than concentrated liquidity position and earn a days entire yield in under an hour. But be sure to pay attention the whole time! With proper hedges, we can mitigate the risk of leveraged concentrated liquidity provisioning.

Open leveraged Taker positions to bet on price movements with up to 500x leverage. We don't recommend holding them for now, but they can be really useful in a pinch.

Long-tailed Collateral

Struggling to find utility for your low-market cap tokens? Use them as collateral on our money market. No token is isolated when combined with a Taker. Access more capital efficiency than ever before.

External LP Hedging

If you're LPing on another platform we can help you hedge it! We'll integrate it with our UI so all the risks are fully transparent.

Project team

Terence An
Terence An
Co-founder and CEO

Social media

Itos Finance web-siteItos Finance MediumItos Finance X (Twitter)Itos Finance Discord



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