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Kubera (KBR)


Kubera is a platform for playing online games with a cryptocurrency.

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Project industryGaming & VR
WhitepaperKubera White Paper Open

What is Kubera

The built-in Kubera wallet uses Version 3 format of Ethereum blockchain wallet, which is the most popular format used by well-known clients such as Metamask and MyEtherWallet. Because of this, users will find no problems in importing and using the same wallet with a different client.

The user can either join a public or private game by sending Kubera tokens, in-platform tokens to the system’s Ethereum address to have the funds locked, this will play as assurance that winners will be paid by the end of the game. The system address will sit on the Ethereum blockchain and act as an escrow account while gameplay is conducted.

Validators on the Kubera network sign each outcome for every game on the platform and submit game histories for storage to IPFS. The functions are automated: there is no manual oversight needed for a user to run a validation node.


Public sales: Oct 31, 2017 - Nov 12, 2017
Raised: 5,000,000 USD

Token info

Ticker: KBR
Token price in USD: 1 KBR= 0.0161 USD

Kubera Roadmap

01/2018 - Release ?open ?beta ?for ?games ?using ?KBR ?and ?wallet ?app

Multiplayers games and tournaments will be released for selected users around the world to play and test. Kubera ?team ?will ?collect ?feedbacks ?from ?those ?players, ?conduct ?meetings ?and ?improve ?gaming ?UI/UX.

02/2018 - Integrate ?Kubera ?token ?in ?various ?cryptocurrency ?exchanges

One of the most crucial moves in order to make the project a successful one is to increase the visibility of Kubera token on popular exchanges, hence increase the liquidity. A successful ICO can be considered as a convincing ?factor ?while ?negotiating ?with ?exchanges ?to ?place ?our ?token ?in ?their ?system.

03/2018 - Public ?launch ?for ?games ?using ?KBR ?and ?wallet ?app ?on ?iOS, ?Android ?and ?Web

Official ?version ?of ?games ?in ?the ?first ?open ?beta ?vague ?should ?be ?ready ?after ?two ?months ?of ?improvement.

05/2018 - Release ?open ?beta ?for ?smart ?contracts ?games

At this phase, we will be releasing games which are based on luck and skills so this is where smart contracts must involve to ensure the fairness and randomness of the game outcomes. There will be at least two games to ?be ?launched ?for ?beta ?testing ?at ?this ?time: ?Rock-Paper-Scissors ?and ?Black ?Jack

07/2018 - Public ?launch ?for ?smart ?contract ?games ?on ?iOS, ?Android ?and ?Web

As we need to make our games available to mobile OS such as iOS and Android, we will spend a lot of resources for the testing process to make sure those games function well with smart contract features before launching ?a ?public ?release.

10/2018 - Public ?first ?non-gaming ?services ?for ?Kubera ?ecosystem

Kubera team members, with not only software engineers but also economics experts, have been planning to launch ?non-gaming ?services ?using ?Kubera ?tokens ?such ?as ?e-commerce, ?online ?shopping, ?lottery, ?etc.

11/2018 - Release ?open ?beta ?for ?VR ?games

As VR (Virtual Reality) has become so popular in the last few years, we firmly believe the Kubera platform should follow the trend by developing VR games in order to be more competitive and stay relevant in the market. The Kubera team already has engineers experienced in such domain and one year should be enough for ?them ?to ?release ?interesting ?products ?for ?open ?beta

01/2019 - Public ?launch ?for ?VR ?games

2 months after the open beta, a public release for those VR games is expected to be a highlight for the Kubera platform ?to ?enforce ?its ?competition ?in ?the ?market.

Project team

Nakamoto Masakazu
Nakamoto Masakazu
Nakamoto Kengo
Nakamoto Kengo
Yonashiro Yuu
Yonashiro Yuu


Danny Kim
Danny Kim
Danny Kim linkedin

Social media

Kubera web-siteKuberaYouTube

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