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Lendoit (LOAN)


Lendoit is a decentralized P2P Lending platform, which connects borrowers and lenders from around the world

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Project industryCrowdfunding & Lending
WhitepaperLendoit White Paper Open

What is Lendoit

  • Tokens not collateral
  • Borrower scoring
  • Unique Smart Reputation
  • Transparent Compensation Fund
  • Interest Tender
  • Collectors’ Tender

Token info

Ticker: LOAN
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-20
Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC
Token distribution:
60% - Sale
15% - Company
10% - Team
10% - Early contributors & Advisors
5% - Bounty & LOAN reserve pool

Lendoit Roadmap

2017 (Q4)

Token Generation Event

Q1 2018 - Publishing the Beta Version to Testnet

To get feedback from the system’s users and avoid major bugs that will jeopardize user funds, Lendoit will enable users to lend and borrow loans in the Ethereum Testnet. Lendoit will work to fix any major issues on the beta version and develop features according to user feedback.

Q2 2018 - Integration with Score, Verification and Collection Providers

In order to establish a trusted and successful business, Lendoit will work to achieve integration with the leading scorers, verification and collection providers from around the world. Such integration will enable the platform to operate worldwide and facilitate the issuance of the initial loans over the Lendoit Platform.

Q3 2018 - Release of First Production Version

After establishing the provider integrations and finalizing the first version (1.0.0), Lendoit will release the first version to production on the Ethereum network. The first users will be able to lend and borrow funds via the Lendoit platform.

Q4 2018 - Partnerships with Complementary Partners

One of the key factors to the success of the platform is to make the whole process of borrowing and lending easy to use. With the right partners and collaboration, Lendoit can achieve a higher uptake of its system and attract users that have never used the Blockchain.

2019 - Develop New Types of Loan

The first type of loan is a Microloan for short term (15-90 days), but the Lendoit Platform architecture supports many other types of loans like medium-size and large loans, SME loans, etc.

Lendoit aims to connect any type of borrower to any type of lender using any type of loan.

Project team

Ori Erez
Ori Erez
Co-Founder & CEO
Ori Erez linkedin
Vlad Amirov
Vlad Amirov
Co-Founder & CTO
Vlad Amirov linkedin
Yoav Pinkas
Yoav Pinkas
Co-Founder & COO
Yoav Pinkas linkedin
Avi Ben David
Avi Ben David
Co-Founder & President
Avi Ben David linkedin
Shahar Peter
Shahar Peter
Marketing & Community Manager
Shahar Peter linkedin
Federico Hoyer
Federico Hoyer
Community Manager
Federico Hoyer linkedin
Vadim Voznesenski
Vadim Voznesenski
R&D Manager
Vadim Voznesenski linkedin
Vladimir Mozzhechkov
Vladimir Mozzhechkov
Senior project manager
Vladimir Mozzhechkov linkedin
Olga Karpova
Olga Karpova
Senior Designer
Vitaly Lukanin
Vitaly Lukanin
Guru in back-end development
Vitaly Lukanin linkedin
Igor Fedorov
Igor Fedorov
Senior full-stack developer
Maxim Nagibin
Maxim Nagibin
UI/UX Expert
Maxim Nagibin linkedin
Andrey Golikov
Andrey Golikov
Full-stack developer
Alexander Sapronov
Alexander Sapronov
Senior mobile and server side developer
Igor Yankovsky
Igor Yankovsky
Senior mobile and server side developer
Dmitry Entin
Dmitry Entin
Guru in IT infrastructure
Alexander Schukin
Alexander Schukin
Senior QA and QA automation specialist
Andrey Dmitriev
Andrey Dmitriev
Senior system architect
Andrey Dmitriev linkedin
Maxim Kovtun
Maxim Kovtun
Full-stack developerADVISORs
Jure Soklic
Jure Soklic
CO-Founder and CEO / Hive project
Jure Soklic linkedin
Ram Avissar
Ram Avissar
Ram Avissar linkedin
Gilad Ben-Ami
Gilad Ben-Ami
Gilad Ben-Ami linkedin

Social media

Lendoit web-siteLendoit RedditLendoit MediumLendoitYouTubeLendoit TelegramLendoit BTCTalkLendoit LinkedInLendoit X (Twitter)Lendoit Facebook

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