What is Scotty Beam
Scotty Beam is the first cross-chain decentralized NFT teleport application supportingall NFT-compatible networks. By facilitating peer-to-peer (P2P) exchange of non-fungible tokens
across multiple blockchains, the Scotty dApp enables collectors and investors to reach and
participate in expanded markets offering greater demand, trading volumes, and liquidity than
tokens sequestered on a single network. Unlike cross-chain NFT “bridges” which add cost and
complexity into NFT trading by unnecessarily embedding sequential trade info into an NFT’s
unique cryptographic identifier, teleported NFTs contain only the information regarding the most
recent owner and the NFT’s original source content, with no intermediary token holders or
networks to inflate costs, slow trading, or corrupt transactions. All teleports use Scotty’s crosschain AI-based oracle to manage the destination network’s transactional processing.
Other unique features of Scotty Beam include NFT origin validation, digital certificates of
authentication, and other anti-fraud provisions to ensure the veracity of token content and
transactions. Through its importing tool, the NFT space dock, Scotty provides dynamic NFT
appraisal to assess an asset’s fair market value (FMV) including historical market data thereby
facilitating better decision making and enhanced returns. Finally, Scotty teleports are secure,
employing advanced methods to prevent backtracing, profiling, metadata collection, private key
theft, and man-in-the-middle exploits. In sum total, Scotty Beam represents the best-in-class
solution for cross-chain NFT trading in the industry.
DetailsIDO (NFTPad Launchpad): Nov 08, 2021 - Nov 08, 2021IDO (Enjinstarter Launchpad): Nov 09, 2021 - Nov 09, 2021 IDO (Equinox Launchpad): Nov 10, 2021 - Nov 10, 2021 IDO (Seedify.fund Launchpad): Nov 09, 2021 - Nov 09, 2021 IDO (Anypad Launchpad): TBA - TBA IDO (CyberFi Launchpad): Nov 04, 2021 - Nov 05, 2021 Hard cap: 200,000 USD LegalBlockchain Platform: Binance Smart ChainCountry limitations: United States of America Registration year: 2021 | Token infoTicker: BEAMType: Utility-token Token standard: BEP 20 Token price in USD: 1 BEAM = 0.04 BUSD Accepted currencies: BUSD |
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