![]() | SigloICO Siglo provides access to mobile networks in emerging markets by democratizing the monetization of the internet. The Siglo token (SGL) is the currency for access and the value of one’s interactions. IMPORTANT: By investing in this business you agree to ourDisclaimer. All information including our rating, is provided merely for informational purposes. CryptoTotem does not provide investment advice. |
What is Siglo
Siglo facilitates digital and financial inclusion in emerging markets by creating an ecosystem of users and decentralized applications that use its protocol to accrue value and exchange it for increased mobile access and other goods and services. In Siglo, users accumulate this value by choosing to share their attention and anonymized interactions, and then exchange it for mobile connectivity in the form of airtime top-ups with mobile operators. The Siglo protocol will facilitate transactions between stakeholders: users who want a secure and private way to monetize their interactions, brands who wish to sponsor these users connectivity, developers who want engaged users in under-connected markets, and providers like mobile operators.
DetailsToken supply: 2,880,000,000Soft cap: 8,000,000USD (fiat) Hard cap: 25,000,000 USD(fiat) LegalBlockchain Platform: Ethereum | Token infoTicker: SGLType: Utility-token Accepted currencies: ETH Token distribution: 36% - Token Sale 30% - Future Release 19% - Reserve 15% - Siglo Team / Advisors Funds allocation: 45% - Protocol & App Develop 30% - Operational Overhead 25% - Market Development |
Siglo Roadmap
From day 1 when the Siglo Tokens are generated, and going forward, Siglos
will be convertible into app coins (Pig.gi Coins from Day 1, any equivalent
in the future). This will be available on www.siglo.com.;
Escrow wallets for brands will be managed by app, through the Siglo Protocol;
Risk assumed by the app for holding the Siglo will be managed through
hedging, like an option strategy on an exchange. (No risk is assumed by the
brand, because when the brand is onboarded, their Siglos are translated
directly to app coins backed by inventory of products.).
Groundwork to launch into new markets in Latin America;
Grow Siglo teams across development, operations, and marketing;
Product development to be ready for more aggressive scaling in Phase 2.
Build in-house wallets for protocol app users to exchange their app coins
for other app coins with the Siglo ecosystem and to allow transfer between
users. (Possibly allow for transfer in/out to external exchange.);
Provide self-service brand access panel for wallet and real-time analytics;
Develop P2B (peer-to-small business) network, so informal small
businesses that are currently operating offline and unbanked can participate
in the digital economy and accept payments from Siglo app users;
Develop P2A (peer-to-app) smart contract that allows users to establish
a unique identity that declares their ownership of personal data. Network
users will be able to receive Siglo Tokens and reward points from brands
who purchase access to consumer data, and users will control with which
brands they share their data.
Release open source Siglo protocol for white labeled versions of Pig.gi
and/or other apps with similar digital and financial inclusion goals.
Project team
