BitGirls (HYOU)ICO A Japanese TV show and blockchain based project BitGirls (HYOU) which allows viewers to support talents by obtaining virtual stock share tokens – TOREKABU. IMPORTANT: By investing in this business you agree to ourDisclaimer. All information including our rating, is provided merely for informational purposes. CryptoTotem does not provide investment advice. |
What is BitGirls
- The viewers receive voting tokens named HYOU as dividends based on the numbers of shares they own - The viewers make decisions each episode by voting - The talents positions in the episodes will be determined by their market cap
DetailsPublic sales: Oct 02, 2016 - Oct 30, 2016LegalRegistration country: Japan | Token infoTicker: HYOUAccepted currencies: BTC, XEM, XCP, ZAIF Token distribution: The distribution of tokens provided by smart contract using We will issue 5 million Torekabu for for each girl and lock them not to issue anymore. |