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Blockchain will fundamentally change the way people own and trade real estate. In the future, everyone could be an owner of real estate, everyone could benefit from investing, holding and trading real estate in token form. aassio is a blockchain technology based platform providing effortless access to the real estate market to buy, sell and hold real estate in cryptocurrencies from the convenience of your own home or office. Real estate investment has never been easier or more accessible!

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Project industryReal Estate
Product typePlatform
Whitepaperaassio White Paper Open

What is aassio


 aassio is a blockchain-based platform where people will get easy access to easily invest, hold, buy or sell real estate with other cryptocurrencies or cryptoassets.

We want to create a better life with real estate, especially for the Future Living society. A better life where people can reach their own financial success in a fair, efficient and low-cost ecosystem through access to real estate with the assistance of aassio.

The Future Living society implicates everything that handles, solves, and assists lifestyle trends with a shared economy, smart buildings, digital nomadism, self-realization, patchwork families, stronger diversity, global mobility and even time sharing - in the near future also with the infrastructure of tokenized real estate and high liquidity.

In the perspective of aassio, we want to solve 3 critical problems which prevent most people from benefiting from real estate:

  • Liquidity - bad
  • Affordability - capital intensive
  • Transaction efficiency - high costs
  • The liquidity problem has always been the biggest problem of real estate. For example, you are a hard worker and have been paying a mortgage on your apartment in London for years. At some point in time there’s a big change in life, you are moving to Singapore with your family. Now you want to sell your apartment in London tomorrow, take the money, move to Singapore and use that money to buy a new home or secure a new mortgage. This is almost impossible in the currently market systems unless you are one of “the rich”. The liquidity problem prevents many people from investing in real estate or owning a home, because most people want to have enough liquid money to deal with the uncertainties in life.

    Normally people can't afford to invest in real estate because it’s very capital intensive. For example, you would maybe think about buying a house with $200k, but you wouldn’t even start thinking about that with only $200 in your pocket. People need enough start capital to be welcomed in the club, that’s why real estate investment is capital intensive and not suitable for everyone, traditionally

    This situation will be changed in the future because the blockchain-based Real Estate Tokenization (RET) will enable everyone to make smaller fractional investments in property, so that you can really start investing into real estate with $200 in the future. Real estate investment trusts (REITs) have been offering a solution to the capital intensive problem since 1960, and it made some progress for smaller investors who could also buy shares on an open exchange. However, due to the expensive setup of REITs, they do not solve the high transaction costs problem. In this regard, blockchains offer a feasible solution.

    As more and more people have realized that the blockchain technology is not just about a decentralized data technology, but about a revolutionary system of human trust, most trustrelated problems will be solved by developing innovative applications based on the blockchain, which will also solve the above listed “high transaction costs” problem of real estate.

    For example, in the current market systems if you buy real estate, say, an apartment in Berlin Germany, based on the price of the apartment, you need to pay up to 15% based on the apartment price for notary lawyers, land registry, tax and brokers.

    These transaction costs will occur every time property is bought, sold, or there is a change in ownership. If you think about that carefully, for the high costs you are paying, it’s actually only paperwork or third-parties or tax which have very limited (or no) added value except for the trust issue. Now if we use blockchain to fix the trust problem, we certainly could get rid of most of the high transactions costs.

    Vision & mission

    We want to create a better life with real estate. We believe that the blockchain and token economy will fundamentally change the operations of the real estate sector. It will make real estate investments possible and accessible for a broader section of society and introduce transparency and efficiency to the industry.

    We also believe that one day, people will live a better life with their own financial success in a fair, efficient and low-cost system by getting access to real estate

    The mission of aassio is to assist as many people as possible to get ultimate access to real estate; to help people benefit from real estate investments and reach their own financial success; to build the technological, financial and physical fundamentals as infrastructure to enable innovations of the Future Living era within a creative, healthy, efficient and sustainable ecosystem.


    Pre-sales: Nov 01, 2018 - Feb 14, 2019
    Public sales: Mar 01, 2019 - Apr 30, 2019
    Pre-sale token supply: 10,000,000 AAS
    Token supply: 40,000,000 AAS
    Total tokens for sale: 500,000,000 AAS
    Soft cap: 6,000,000 USD
    Hard cap: 10,000,000 USD


    Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
    Country limitations: USA, Afghanistan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Burundi,
    Central African Republic, China, Democratic Republic of the Congo,
    Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,
    Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives,
    Mali, Moldova, Montenegro, Myanmar, North Korea,
    Pakistan, Serbia, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan,
    Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Venezuela,
    Yemen and Zimbabwe.
    Registration country: Hong Kong
    Registration year: 2018

    Token info

    Ticker: AAS
    Type: Utility-token
    Token standard: ERC20
    Token price in USD: 1 AAS = 0.10 USD
    Accepted currencies: ETH
    Bonus program:
    2018-11-01 25,0%
    2018-11-08 23,4%
    2018-11-15 21,8%
    2018-11-22 20,2%
    2018-11-29 18,6%
    2018-12-06 17,0%
    2018-12-13 15,4%
    2018-12-20 13,8%
    2018-12-27 12,2%
    2019-01-03 10,6%
    2019-01-10 9,0%
    2019-01-17 7,4%
    2019-01-24 5,8%
    2019-01-31 4,2%
    2019-02-07 2,6%
    2019-02-14 1,0%
    Token distribution:
    50% - will be sold in 1st and 2nd token sales
    35% - will be reserved for the company and shareholders with a 4-year-lockup & vesting programme
    10% - reserved for the team pool
    4% - reserved for advisor & affiliate pool (A&A Pool)
    1% - reserved for bounty pool
    Funds allocation:
    42% - Engineering & Development
    23% - Marketing
    15% - Operation
    10% - Legal & Compliance
    10% - Liquidity Reserves

    aassio Roadmap

    1st Quarter 2018

    concept design 1.0 legal structure 1.0

    2nd Quarter 2018

    concept design 2.0 audit

    3d Quarter 2018

    release white paper 1.0 legal structure 2.0 release prototype alpha 1.0

    4th Quarter 2018

    launch ICO pre sale release white paper 2.0 multi-lingual release prototype alpha 2.0 ICO main sale aasiox

    1st Quarter 2019

    release of aasiox beta 1.0

    3d Quarter 2019

    release of aasiox beta 2.0 ICO main sale aasiox

    4th Quarter 2019

    aasiox milestone of 10M usd in total volume ICO pre-sale of aasioHOME release of MVP aasioHOME ICO main sale aasioHOME

    1st Quarter 2020

    audit of assio operations first property listing aasioHOME

    2nd Quarter 2020

    aasiox milestone of 100M usd in total volume launch of aasioHOME RET

    3d Quarter 2020

    aasioHOME milestone of 100M usd in tokenization volume registration launch for aasioLIFE beta

    4th Quarter 2020

    launch of aasioLIFE & Open source

    Project team

    Ramon Feng
    Ramon Feng
    Co-Founder & CEo
    Ramon Feng linkedin
    Silas Gulart
    Silas Gulart
    Co-founder and President
    Silas Gulart linkedin
    Kenneth Que
    Kenneth Que
    Head of Engineering
    Kenneth Que linkedin
    Shuyan LI
    Shuyan LI
    Community Manager
    Shuyan LI linkedin
    Crystal Kigoni
    Crystal Kigoni
    PR Manager
    Crystal Kigoni linkedin
    Alexander Iliasa
    Alexander Iliasa
    Community Lead
    Alexander Iliasa linkedin
    Fabio Guiliano
    Fabio Guiliano
    Fabio Guiliano linkedin
    Ben Düring
    Ben Düring
    Community and Media Lead
    Ben Düring linkedin
    Andrey Romanov
    Andrey Romanov
    Community Lead (RU)
    Andrey Romanov linkedin


    Gowrynath Sivaganeshamoorthy
    Gowrynath Sivaganeshamoorthy
    Advisor Tech Architect
    Gowrynath Sivaganeshamoorthy linkedin
    Han Liang
    Han Liang
    Advisor Product & Data
    Han Liang linkedin
    Francisco Ibáñez
    Francisco Ibáñez
    Advisor IT process
    Francisco Ibáñez linkedin
    Andrew Gromenko
    Andrew Gromenko
    Advisor Development
    Andrew Gromenko linkedin
    Suvrajit Saha
    Suvrajit Saha
    Affiliate Project Mgm
    Suvrajit Saha linkedin
    Michael K
    Michael K

    Social media

    aassio web-siteaassio Redditaassio MediumaassioYouTubeaassio Telegramaassio Instagramaassio BTCTalkaassio LinkedInaassio X (Twitter)aassio Facebookaassio Slackaassio Github

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