What is Aurora Klay
Aurora klay (ARA) is a real economy type project that allows users to receive discounts when using small business partners while holding ‘AuroryNFT’, and to mine ARA tokens when participating in NFT staking within the platform.
The Aurora klay project, as a next-generation blockchain integrated distributor, activates membership, mining, and payment functions using irreplaceable NFT characteristics, and builds a network of small business partners so that NFT holders can enjoy real benefits (discounts), while staying By activating tokenomics with the introduction of the King system, we are focusing on securing various uses such as governance, mobile games, and internet shopping malls.
We promote market expansion through product development using character intellectual property (IP), various content development, and partner collaboration.
Solve imbalance and trust issues by implementing a transparent ecosystem based on smart contracts that cannot be forged or tampered with our platform, affiliates, and API-linked system, and establish marketing strategies using big data in which customer consumption activities are recorded and stored in a block chain. Utilize.
Currently, our platform and ARA token are built on Klaytn, a global public blockchain project. kaytn is a project operated by GroundX Corporation, and is an efficient hybrid open source platform that combines the advantages of public blockchains, such as decentralized data and control, decentralized governance, and private blockchains, such as low latency and high scalability.
DetailsIEO (p2pb2b Launchpad): Jan 26, 2023 - Feb 02, 2023Token supply: 100,000,000 ARA LegalBlockchain Platform: KlaytnRegistration country: Korea, Republic of Registration year: 2022 Office address: 546, Seobu-ro, Gahoe-myeon, Hapcheon-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea | Token infoTicker: ARAType: Utility-token Token standard: keep-7 Token distribution: Team - 12% Reserve (IEO) - 13% Partners - 19% Adviser - 5% Ecosystem - 51% |
Aurora Klay Roadmap
- Company incorporation
- Aurora Princess NFT Planning
- Aurorori character birth
- Character copyright registration
- Hyundai Hwarang (Hyoje Oh Hee-chul) MOU
- Announcement of short-term roadmap
- Start Klay Mint
- White Paper 2.0 Release
- Aurora Klay (ARA) project launch
- Real Estate Plus business agreement
- Klay-ARA Pair LP Airdrop (22.09.22 ~ 22.10.21, 30 days)
- 40 million ARA tokens burned
- Start staking NFTs
- Seoul branch contract
- Registration of new officers
- ARA Token Mint Start
- NFT staking feature update
- ARA single token staking
- NFT StakingMPB Adjustment 1st
- ARA Token Burn (1,191,000 ARA)
- Register jangle
- Execution of klip interlocking service
- NFT staking
- MPB regulation secondary
- Register ARA token in Klip wallet
- NFT staking
- MPB control tertiary
- Partner company contract implementation
- New partner agreement (3 teams)
- White Paper 2.1 Release
- IR plan in progress
- Scheduled to register on CoinMarketCap
- Game planning
- NFT recognition function under development
- Expansion of partnerships with partners and affiliates
- NFT Holder Authentication System APP (Beta)
- Website update
- Shopping mall APP planning and development
- Dot game (only for NFT holders) planning and development
- Aurori NFT 2nd Mining (klay)
- CoinMarketCap Registration Aurory NFT
- Klip Drops registration application Aurory
- NFT Pala Registration Application
- Distribution of IR material
- Quarter 3D Art Hall Planning and Launching Attract investment
- Promotion of listing on Cex exchange Promotion of partner alliance expansion
- Aurory NFT 3 round casting (ARA burning model)
- Promotion of partner alliance expansion
- Attract investment
- Promotion of listing on Cex exchange
- Shopping mall APP launch
- NFT holder authentication APP (Beter) update
- Attract investment
- Expansion of partnerships with partners and affiliates
- Promotion of listing on Cex exchange
- Enable Aurory Clup(Governance)
Project team