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Bitfair (XBF)

Bitfair bounty

Bitfair is an OTC derivative exchange allowing crypto traders to trade up to 1000X leverage and profit during up or down price movement of their favorite cryptocurrency.

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Project industryExchanges & Wallets
Product typeService
WhitepaperBitfair White Paper Open

What is Bitfair

Traders on the Bitfair platform will be able to place orders for a wide range of tokens in various SOC trading contracts. All trades are recorded into a Smart Option Contract (SOC). All SOC trades will automatically be executed if the floor or ceiling price is reached anytime during the trade contract or upon the expiration of the SOC.  When predetermined conditions are met, Bitfair will trigger and execute the trade. Funds will then be distributed to the profitable trader on the Bitfair platform. Bitfair SOC results and details are recorded and thereafter accessible through a public blockchain explorer.


Pre-sales: Jul 09, 2018 - Aug 09, 2018
Token supply: 720,000,000

Token info

Ticker: XBF
Type: Utility-token
Token price in USD: 1 XBF = 0.05 USD
Accepted currencies: BTC ETH XRP BCH LTC XMR
Token distribution:
60% - Token Sale & Distribution
13% - Reserved for Investors & Advisory Team
13% - XBF Community Airdrop
9% - Founders
5% - Developimg Team
Funds allocation:
25% - Marketing Campaign
20% - Salaries, Wages & Consulting Fees
17% - Other Operating Expenses
10% - Legal Fees
10% - Reserved for Future Opex
9% - Listing on Various Top Exchanges
6% - System Security and Audits
3% - Research and Development

Bitfair Roadmap

APRIL 2017

Bitfair concept is born.

MAY 2017

Early round investment raised;
Team selected.

JUNE 2017

Platform development started;
Draglet becomes exchange provider.


Matching algorithm complete.


First phase testing of Bitfair;
TokenGet & Blockchain Mob appointed as ICO partners.


Foxtail Marketing, Crowdcreate and Msconsulting appointed as official marketing partners;
Public announcement to be at the Crypto Invest Summit in LA.

Project team

Thomas  van der Spuy
Thomas van der Spuy
Thomas  van der Spuy linkedin
Greg  van der Spuy
Greg van der Spuy
Greg  van der Spuy linkedin
Devonne  Burger
Devonne Burger
Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Devonne  Burger linkedin
Linda  Botha
Linda Botha
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
Linda  Botha linkedin
Jacques  Lazarus
Jacques Lazarus
Chief Design Officer (CDO)
Jacques  Lazarus linkedin
Charl  Crowie
Charl Crowie
Senior Frontend & Backend Developer
Charl  Crowie linkedin
Stelio  Gouveia
Stelio Gouveia
Senior DevOps and Network Engineer
Stelio  Gouveia linkedin
Amae  van Niekerk
Amae van Niekerk
Investor Relations
Amae  van Niekerk linkedin
Magdel  Steyn
Magdel Steyn
Marketing Coordinator
Magdel  Steyn linkedin


Marco  Farrell
Marco Farrell
Advisor Full-time Crypto Trader
Marco  Farrell linkedin
Andrew  Henwood
Andrew Henwood
Advisor CEO of Foregenix
Andrew  Henwood linkedin
Wollie  Wolmarans
Wollie Wolmarans
Advisor Director of Vertex Global Wealth
Wollie  Wolmarans linkedin
Jean-Pierre  van der Spuy
Jean-Pierre van der Spuy
Advisor CO-founder of Bitcoin Origin
Jean-Pierre  van der Spuy linkedin
Justin  Stanford
Justin Stanford
Advisor Co-founder of Esset Southern Africa and 4di Capital
Justin  Stanford linkedin
Antonie  Kotzé
Antonie Kotzé
Advisor Financial Engineer
Antonie  Kotzé linkedin

Social media

Bitfair web-siteBitfair RedditBitfairYouTubeBitfair TelegramBitfair InstagramBitfair BTCTalkBitfair LinkedInBitfair X (Twitter)Bitfair FacebookBitfair Github

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