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Branche (BLT)


An Ethereum-backed mobile app that will allow those without access to formal financial institutions to cash checks and take out small loans, all at rates lower than the industry standards

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Project industryCrowdfunding & Lending
WhitepaperBranche White Paper Open

What is Branche

- to encourage the repeated use of, and deeper engagement in, the Branche platform - to help encourage financially responsible behavior in Branche users - to improve earnings and decrease risks for Vendors and Lenders - to decrease costs and risks for Clients - to help balance supply and demand load fluctuations across the system - to provide business opportunities like early market access or custom marketing to Vendors and Lenders - to create opportunities for all users to customize and shape their own experiences in the system


Public sales: Dec 03, 2016 - Dec 31, 2016


Registration country: Canada

Token info

Ticker: BLT
Token price in USD: 1 BLT = 0.05 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH

Social media

Branche web-siteBranche MediumBrancheYouTubeBranche X (Twitter)Branche FacebookBranche Github

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