What is Curl
Curl is a synthetics protocol combining curve-style liquidity pooling and issuance of a homogenized synthetic that is perfectly fungible with any asset comprising the underlying CURL pool (henceforth universal synth).Curl allows for the generation of exactly one L2 synthetic for every underlying L1 asset.
At the same time, it enables liquidity providers to earn APYs for pooling the liquidity and bridges to influence the weight of their bridges, giving them greater accessibility and control over the use of their bridged assets.
The purpose of Сurl is to harmonize and integrate liquidity flows between bridges, dapps, and liquidity providers.
DetailsIDO (OccamFi Launchpad): TBA - TBAPre-sale token supply: 20,000,000 CURL Token supply: 100,000,000 CURL Total tokens for sale: 22,000,000 CURL LegalBlockchain Platform: CardanoRegistration year: 2022 | Token infoTicker: CURLType: Utility-token Token standard: BEP-20 Accepted currencies: BNB Token distribution: 75% - Seed 12,5% - Private 2% - launchpad 15% - Team 22% - Ecosystem Development Fund 2,5% - Token Liquidity 38,5% - Liquidity mining |
Curl Roadmap
Q2 2022
- Alpha deployed
- Seed round closed
- Beta deployed
- Community actives
- Launch Milkomedia C1
- First 3 pools (USDT, ETH, USDC)
Q3 2022
- Launch Liquiditi mining
- Launch Algorand Milkomedia
- Launch optimism
- Launch Arbitrum
- launch Moonbeam
- EPrivate round closed
Q4 2022
- Launch cross-chain fungibility of H(x)
- Launch Etherium mainnet
Project team

Sebastian Kortmann

Mikhail Vakhrin

Igor Struchkov

Mark Berger