What is D-Ecosystem
D-Chain is a decentralized, Open-source blockchain with a virtual machine that supports small, medium, and large-scale enterprises to implement their smart contracts. The coin of the D-chain is called Decos or D-Coin and the ticker for the same is called DCX. For decades, the concept of decentralized digital currencies, and other applications such as property registries, has been well-known.
The D-Chain protocol is designed to be an enhanced version of cryptocurrency. It provides advanced features like on-blockchain withdrawal limits, on-blockchain escrow, and financial contracts.
The most exciting thing about D-Chain is its ability to move beyond currency. Protocols based on decentralized file storage, decentralized computation, and decentralized prediction markets, among many other concepts, have the potential for significant efficiency improvements in the computational industry. They also provide an enormous boost to the peer-to-peer protocol by adding an economic layer. There are also many applications that do not involve money. The D-Chain protocol's implementation of an arbitrary state function provides a unique platform. Instead of being a closed-ended protocol that can only be used for one purpose, such as data storage, gambling, or finance, D-Chain is designed to be open-ended and will serve as a foundation layer for many other financial and non-financial protocols over the coming years.
DetailsIDO (Gagarin Launchpad): Jul 10, 2023 - Jul 11, 2023IDO (KingdomStarter Launchpad): Jul 10, 2023 - Jul 10, 2023 Token supply: 527,200,407 DCX | Token infoTicker: DCXToken price in USD: 1 DCX = 0.7 USD Token distribution: Swap Liquidity - 32.2% Ecosystem Development - 22% Presale - 15.7% Team - 10% Staking Rewards - 10% Foundation - 5% Advisors - 4.3% Public Sales - 0.8% |
D-Ecosystem Roadmap
- Ideation to DEvelop Decentralised Ecosystem.
- Launch of Tokens and Sales to get early founders.
- Created final Draft for D-Ecosystem.
- Started Research on D-Ecosystem.
- Analysing and development of D-Ecosystem .
- Development and research.
- Analysing smart contract and execution .
- Smart contract research and development.
- Started developmnet of D-Wallet , SWAP, DEX, Yield Farming and Blockchain
- Testing and analysing of smart contract
- Testing of Extension Android and IoS wallet .
- Launch of Wallets.
- Development of D-Chain , IDO and Explorer.
- Testing Of D-Chain , Explorer and IDO.
- Launch of Test net blockchain
- Launch of Main net Blockchain
- Launch of testnet and mainnet explorer
- Launch of Airdrop Module
- Launch of Launchpad
- Auditing and Launch of SWAP, DEX, Bridge and NFT Marketplace.
- Launch of D-P2P
- Launch of D-Messenger