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Decentralized Machine Learning (DML)


Decentralized Machine Learning aims to create a blockchain-based decentralized machine learning protocol and ecosystem.

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Project industryOther
Product typePlatform
WhitepaperDecentralized Machine Learning White Paper Open
OnepagerDecentralized Machine Learning Onepager Open

What is Decentralized Machine Learning

Mission Statement

Our goal is to create a blockchain-based decentralized machine learning protocol and ecosystem through:

  • utilizing untapped private data for machine learning while protecting data privacy,
  • connecting and leveraging idle processing power of individual devices for machine learning,
  • encouraging involvement from the periphery by creating a developer community and algorithm marketplace that promotes innovation to build machine learning algorithms that match practical utilities,
  • improving and correcting existing machine learning algorithms and models through crowdsourced fine-tuning model trainers,
  • creating a new DML utility token and leveraging on blockchain smart contract technology to provide a trustless and middle-man free platform that connects potential contributors in machine learning from all aspects.
  • We aim to create a decentralized machine learning protocol and ecosystem, where customers, such corporate customers, research institutions, government and non-government organizations or even individuals, who wish to run analytical predictions can acquire appropriate algorithms from crowdsourced developers through the DML marketplace. With the aid of DML protocol, the machine learning algorithms can be run on the untapped private data and leverage the idle processing power of individual devices resulting in more precise predictions. Furthermore, the developers can improve their algorithm and its predictability by the crowdsourced model trainers in the DML protocol.


    Public sales: Feb 08, 2018 - Apr 12, 2018
    Token supply: 272,937,007 DML
    Raised: 10,425,492 USD


    Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
    Country limitations: China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, United States

    Token info

    Ticker: DML
    Type: Utility-token
    Token standard: ERC-20
    Token price in USD: 1 DML = 0.170000 USD
    Accepted currencies: ETH
    Token distribution:
    36% - Sale
    19.5% - Team. Advisors & Early Contributors
    15% - Reserves
    9.9% - Ecosystem Bonus for Public Contributors
    8.8% - Strategic Business & Research Partners
    8.3% - Debug, Development & Protocol Upgrade Bonus for Developer Community
    2.5% - PR & Marketing Partners
    Funds allocation:
    50% - Project Development
    15% - Marketing & Community Building
    12.5% - Research
    11.1% - Business Development
    8.1% - Operation & Reserves
    3.3% - Legal & Compliance

    Decentralized Machine Learning Roadmap

    February 2016

    Google published the research paper on federated learning

    March 2016

    AlphaGo beat Lee Sedol in Go

    March 2017

    Idea generation of decentralization in machine learning

    April 2017

    Google published research blog in federated learning

    May 2017

    Development of proof of concept

    September 2017

    Idea generation of decentralization in algorithms

    December 2017

    Whitepaper published and online

    February 2018

    Release of DML Protocol Gen 0 (DML Algo Marketplace) Prototype

    April 2018

    Token Generation Event and Launch of DML Protocol Gen 0 (DML Algo Marketplace) Beta

    May 2018

    DML Algo Marketplace online

    June 2018

    Release of DML Protocol Gen 1 alpha (decentralized machine learning on-device private data)
    Research of state channels for increasing DML scalability

    July 2018

    First DML Algo competition to grow and support developers’ community
    Release of DML Protocol Gen 1 beta

    September 2018

    DML Protocol Gen 1 online

    December 2018

    Release of customized state channels for increasing DML scalability

    Q1 2019

    Release of DML Protocol Gen 2 beta (decentralized machine learning on-device private data with third-party service and data access)
    Research of multi-chain support and interoperability

    Q2 2019

    DML Protocol Gen 2 online

    July 2019

    Release of DML Protocol Gen 3 beta (decentralized machine learning on-device private data with third-party service and data access and mobile sensors/ IoT connection capability)

    September 2019

    DML Protocol Gen 3 online

    Q4 2019

    Research of general purpose API start for expanding usage of DML marketplace from machine learning to general applications

    Q1 2020

    Research of new blockchain supporting mass adaption of general purpose decentralized applications and data privacy

    Q2 2020

    Release of DML Protocol Gen 4 beta (Support deployment of general applications)

    Q4 2020

    DML Protocol Gen 4 online

    Project team

    Victor Cheung
    Victor Cheung
    Blockchain Developer
    Victor Cheung linkedin
    Michael Kwok
    Michael Kwok
    Project Lead Director
    Michael Kwok linkedin
    Jacky Chan
    Jacky Chan
    Blockchain and Software Developer
    Jacky Chan linkedin
    Wilson Lau
    Wilson Lau
    Machine Learning Engineer
    Wilson Lau linkedin
    Patrick Sum
    Patrick Sum
    System Security Engineer
    Patrick Sum linkedin


    Pascal Lejolif
    Pascal Lejolif
    Pascal Lejolif linkedin
    Guillaume Huet
    Guillaume Huet
    Guillaume Huet linkedin
    Michael Edesess
    Michael Edesess
    Michael Edesess linkedin
    Roderik van der Graaf
    Roderik van der Graaf
    Roderik van der Graaf linkedin
    Kyle Wong
    Kyle Wong
    Kyle Wong linkedin
    Scott Christensen
    Scott Christensen
    Scott Christensen linkedin
    Steven Cody Reynolds
    Steven Cody Reynolds
    Steven Cody Reynolds linkedin
    Matthew Slipper
    Matthew Slipper
    Matthew Slipper linkedin
    Jesmer Wong
    Jesmer Wong
    Jesmer Wong linkedin
    Eugene Tay
    Eugene Tay
    Eugene Tay linkedin
    Eric Byron
    Eric Byron
    Eric Byron linkedin
    Fabrice Fischer
    Fabrice Fischer
    Fabrice Fischer linkedin

    Social media

    Decentralized Machine Learning web-siteDecentralized Machine Learning RedditDecentralized Machine Learning MediumDecentralized Machine LearningYouTubeDecentralized Machine Learning TelegramDecentralized Machine Learning X (Twitter)Decentralized Machine Learning FacebookDecentralized Machine Learning Github

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