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Deepwater (DWT)

Deepwater bounty

Deepwater Syst is project for the business of treasure recovery and deep-sea mining.

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Project industryScience & Research
Product typeTechnology
FoundedEcuador, 20155
WhitepaperDeepwater White Paper Open

Technical details

DeepWater Token (DWT) is an ERC20-compatible token emitted within the blockchain of the Ethereum platform.

What is Deepwater

DeepWater team claim to have developed a technology to facilitate collection and analysis of seabed data. The DeepWater solution uses AI-enhanced autonomous underwater devices (gliders). The deep learning architecture allows to collect and analyze seabed data and train the neural network to recognize underwater objects with almost 100% precision.

The DeepWater gliders will be operated and monitored via a single command control center on the ship. To prevent data loss and allow for independent data storage and transmission, the DeepWater gliders create a common information space with a “peer-to-peer” exchange.

The system will then utilize “TensorFlow” (Deep Learning Framework) to perform AI-based analysis and interpretation of these data. The potential of each coordinate set will be assessed by the DeepWater neural network and presented in the form of Deep Score.

The discovered deep-water resources, inter alia, data on shipwrecks and minerals can be sold in a blockchain-driven DeepWater Market. It is an online auction platform that will accept payments in Ethereum and Bitcoin.

DeepWater Token (DWT) is an ERC20-compatible token. I

Right now the team is developing the DeepWater Market platform. The first exploratory expedition by the gliders fleet is scheduled for Q1 – Q4 2019.


Pre-sales: Feb 28, 2018 - Mar 14, 2018
Public sales: Apr 02, 2018 - Apr 30, 2018
Token supply: 672000000
Soft cap: 34,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 282,000,000 USD


Registration country: Ecuador
Registration year: 2015
Office address: Ecuador Santa Elena 240103


Bounty: 2%

Token info

Ticker: DWT
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-20
Token price in USD: 1 DWT = 0.19231 USD
Token price in ETH: 1 Token = 0.000500 ETH
Accepted currencies: BTC, ETH
Bonus program:
1 < 10 eth 5% Bonus
10 < 100 eth 10% Bonus
100<... eth 25% Bonus
first 7 day 4% Bonus
Token distribution:
70% of the allocated budget on token buyback at market prices for further "burning".
30% of the allocated budget will be distributed to the wallets of the contributors in Ethereum coins through Smart Contracts. This measure aims to maintain contributors’ interest in the token.
Funds allocation:
27,93% - Parts for gliders
16,8% - Assembly line for gliders, including land and set-up
13,43% - Land and waterborne transportation vehicles, purchase and rental
11,37% - Marketing
11,7% - Server and hardware
10,3% - Salaries of employees
1,6% - Software licensing
7% - Utilities, including electricity

Deepwater Roadmap


Glider Prototype Development

Q1 2016

- Testing the Concept
- Glider Prototype Launch in Ecuador Closed Waters

Q2 2016

- Initial data collection
- Neural Network Development

Q3 2016

Glider Prototype Launch in Ecuador Inshore Waters

Q4 2016

Initial Neural Network training based on the acquired data

Q1 2017

Neural Network testing in a Virtual Underwater Simulator (UWSims)

Q2-Q4 2017

- Glider prototype launch in offshore
- Additional data accumulation for Deep Learning
- System debugging
- Logistics network optimisation
- "glider-to-glider" and "glider-to-ship" communication system debugging

Q1 2018

"DWT" Token pre-sale/sale

Q1-Q2 2018

Distribution of Tokens "DWT"

Q2 2018

Listing "DWT" on Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Q2-Q4 2018

- Filing paperwork to purchase land and to start the construction of an assembly line
- Hiring assembly line personnel
- Setting up an international logistics network and signing contracts with the suppliers of parts
- Launch of the glider assembly line
- Start of the development of the Deepwater Market platform
- Hiring marketing and PR personnel

Q1-Q4 2019

- Launch of the first exploratory expedition by the fleet of gliders
- DeepWater Market.© platform launch and blockchain integration
- Start of a large-scale advertising campaign for DeepWater Market.©

Q4 2019

- Loyalty program execution: start of DWT buy-back


- Increasing the number of lots on DeepWater Market.©, start of the recovery of some discovered shipwrecks

Project team

andro Gavri­
Manuel Merino
Manuel Merino
Software Engineer
Manuel Merino linkedin
Fernando Moreira
Fernando Moreira
Software Engineer
Fernando Moreira linkedin
Eduardo Perez
Eduardo Perez
System Engineer
Eduardo Perez linkedin
Julio Cruz
Julio Cruz
Software Engineer
Julio Cruz linkedin
Alfredo Casero
Alfredo Casero
System Engineer
Alfredo Casero linkedin
Pedro Vela
Pedro Vela
Software Engineer
Pedro Vela linkedin
Rodrigo Intriago
Rodrigo Intriago
Systems Engineer
Rodrigo Intriago linkedin
Carlos Alvarado
Carlos Alvarado
Systems Engineer
Carlos Alvarado linkedin
Jose Saltos
Jose Saltos
Marine Surveyor
Jose Saltos linkedin

Social media

Deepwater web-siteDeepwater TelegramDeepwater BTCTalkDeepwater X (Twitter)Deepwater FacebookDeepwater Github

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