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DigiPulse (DGT)


First digital inheritance service. Platform for storing digital assets from cryptocurrencies to social media profiles.

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Technical details

ICO is held for sale of DGT - DigiPulse Tokens: - which are based on Ethereum network with ERC20 protocol. Possession of these tokens will give right to receive DGP - DigiPulse coin: - which is based on Cryptonote algorithm, - difficulty target 180, - Coin supply 10,000,000

What is DigiPulse

Online presence checkups; Automated transfer of inheritance; Passive mining; Different levels of integrations


Public sales: Aug 02, 2017 - Aug 29, 2017
Raised: 1,038,413 USD


Registration country: Latvia

Token info

Ticker: DGT
Dividends: DigiPuse token holders will receive their share of coin mined through DigiPulse platform. This will be highly promoted as the mean for payments for the service users and will involve people unfamiliar with cryptocurrencies to operate and mine them. Also coin distribution amongst token holders will happen in real time and will be fully transparent.
Accepted currencies: ETH
Token distribution:
The maximum number of tokens is set at 16,581,633 DGT This includes 2% which is reserved for bounties. Total number will known only at the end of the ICO, depending on the amount raised during pre-sale and ICO.

DigiPulse Roadmap

Q1 2017

- Market research (buyer persona identification, initial public recognition)
- Service development

Q2 2017

- Service development to reach alpha state
- Preparation for the ICO

Q3 2017

- ICO launch
- Raise awareness of the service
- List DGT on exchanges
- Hire required talents (C++ dev, Ruby/Node dev) to finalise the cryptocurrency aspect of the product
- Hire 2 marketing specialists doubling down as sales people to set up a

campaign plan, to target the audience and perform B2B sales.

Q4 2017

- Public launch of the service
- DGP release and listing on exchanges
- In depth marketing campaign to popularise the service and concept
- Talks with lawyers and insurance brokers to offer service as an upsell

Q1-Q2 2018

Public release of the API to allow companies to query against our database to find the inheritor.

Project team

Normunds Kvilis
Normunds Kvilis
CO-Founder, CEO
Normunds Kvilis facebook
Dmitry Dementyev-Dedelis
Dmitry Dementyev-Dedelis
CO-Founder, CTO
Dmitry Dementyev-Dedelis facebook
Rafik Misirov
Rafik Misirov
Rafik Misirov linkedin
Steve Walschot
Steve Walschot
Early adaptor of the blockchain, security auditor
Steve Walschot linkedin
Maija Anna Ludbarza
Maija Anna Ludbarza
Community & Communications
Maija Anna Ludbarza linkedin
Janis Zaltans
Janis Zaltans
Project manager
Janis Zaltans linkedin
Cristobal Alonso
Cristobal Alonso
Senior Advisor
Cristobal Alonso linkedin


Tina Fotherby (Beaver)
Tina Fotherby (Beaver)
Tina Fotherby (Beaver) linkedin

Social media

DigiPulse web-siteDigiPulse RedditDigiPulse BTCTalkDigiPulse LinkedInDigiPulse X (Twitter)DigiPulse FacebookDigiPulse Slack

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