What is DogDeFiCoin
There are 2 ways to collect cosmo dogs :
You can earn cosmo dogs Litter 0 at the creators' public auctions (A limited number of Litter 0 dogs is created regularly) and other Litters by buying from users in the Space Marketplace. The Space Marketplace is where you can buy or sell Cosmo Dogs. The value of a Cosmo Dog depends on many factors: generation, traits, appearance, attributes.
Each Cosmo Dog has a unique appearance, determined by its Litter. When born, a Cosmo Dog's traits are determined by the Genes of the parents.
A Cosmo Dog can breed with others by acting as a Mom or Dad.
Any new generation of Cosmo Dogs is determined by its parents.
To control the supply of cosmo dogs on the marketplace and maintain the value of the dogs, we have designed a long breeding cooldown. The breeding cooldown is 12 hours for the first time, and each subsequent one is 24 hours.
DetailsIEO (UniCrypt Launchpad): Feb 22, 2021 - Feb 25, 2021Token supply: 100,000 DogDeFiCoin Total tokens for sale: 55,000 DogDeFiCoin Soft cap: 50 ETH Hard cap: 550 ETH LegalBlockchain Platform: EthereumRegistration year: 2020 | Token infoTicker: DOGDEFISType: Utility-token Token standard: ERC20 Token price in ETH: 1 ETH = 100 DOGDEFIS Accepted currencies: ETH Funds allocation: 20% - Buy DogDeFi from market and Burn 10 %- Listing DogDeFi & DogDeFi Shares to new Excahnges and create bridge to Binance Chain 60% -Liquidity Lock Uniswap 10% - Development Cosmo Dogs Platform |
DogDeFiCoin Roadmap
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