Electronics & Robotics

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Find crypto projects in the Electronics and Robotics industry, where blockchain technology is creating new opportunities for innovation and collaboration. Explore decentralized platforms for secure data sharing, AI-powered robotics, and decentralized supply chain management.
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BitWings logo
BitWings (BWN)
A reliable and secure payment system. A reliable and secure payment system for the first time really accessible in physical and online stores. Thanks to the Win ...
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ReapChain logo
ReapChain (REAP)
ReapChain aims to establish a safe and transparent IoT ecosystem by blockchainfying the end-to-end section of the IoT industry. ReapChain is a hybrid blockchain ...
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onocoy logo
onocoy (ONO)
onocoy builds a GNSS reference station network by leveraging Web3 technology to provide reference stations at a scale and density only possible through a commun ...
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Waiam logo
Waiam (WIM)
WAIAM Technology is a future French company specialized in new technologies and precisely in the sector of smartphones, connected objects and their accessories ...
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Skynavpro logo
Skynavpro (SNP)
The first global and revolutionary ecosystem for general aviation including drones/UAVs designed to increase safety through collision avoidance, communication a ...
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