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Eragon (EGON)

Eragon is a one-stop-shop development & distribution platform for Web3 Mobile Gaming.

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Project industryGaming & VR
Product typePlatform
WhitepaperEragon White Paper Open

What is Eragon

Eragon, developed by CrescentShine Studio, is positioned as a game-changer in the Web3 gaming landscape, offering a comprehensive ecosystem set to revolutionize the industry.

Scheduled for launch in Q1 2024, Eragon goes beyond the conventional role of a platform, embodying a futuristic vision to empower developers, engage gamers, and attract investors. The visionary team behind Eragon aims to create a holistic environment that caters to the diverse needs of the Web3 mobile gaming community.

With an emphasis on innovation and user engagement, Eragon positions itself as a one-stop solution for the evolving landscape of Web3 mobile gaming. As the platform anticipates its launch, the features it promises are poised to redefine the gaming experience, making Eragon a focal point for developers, gamers, and investors alike in the Web3 era.


Registration year: 2023

Token info

Ticker: EGON
Type: Utility-token
Token distribution:
13,34% - Pre-seed Sale
29,66% - Public Sale
5% - Liquidity
10% - Community
10% - Ecosystem Growth
10% - Marketing
12% - Team & Advisors
10% - Treasury

Eragon Roadmap

Q3-4, 2023
  • Research Product & Technologies
  • Design Product
  • Build Platform Architecture
  • Social & Community Building
  • Strategic Partnership
  • Fundraising via EGON Token & Equity (Seed round)
Q1, 2024
  • Acoount System & Instant Wallet
  • SEGON token Free Pre-Mint
  • Free-to-earn Instant games
  • Loyalty V1
  • Game Store V1
  • Marketplace
  • referalrogram
  • Research Layer3
  • Developer Acquisition
  • User Acquisition
  • Partner Expansion
  • Social & Community Growth
Q2, 2024
  • Development Account
  • Development Kit V1 (for Unity engine)
  • Paygate
  • Loyalty V2
  • Game Store V2
  • $EGON Token Free Pre-Mint
  • Free-toearn Instant games (more games)
Q3, 2024
  • LaunchPad
  • Community
  • Development Kit V2 (for Unity engine)
  • $EGON Token Free Pre-Mint
  • Layer3 Development
  • Fully Launch
  • Game Dev Competention & Acquisition
  • Booming Marketing Activities
  • User Acquisition
  • Fundraising via EGON Token (Public Round)
Q4, 2024
  • Governance
  • Deploy on Layer3
  • Token $EGON Listing on DEXs & CEXs
  • Development Kit V3 (for Cocos & others)
  • Growth

Project team

Tommy Le
Tommy Le
Victor Thang
Victor Thang
Victor Thang linkedin
Cindy Nguyen
Cindy Nguyen
Le Do
Le Do
Le Do linkedin
Marc Nguyen
Marc Nguyen
Robert Vu
Robert Vu
Toni Tip
Toni Tip
dApp Director
game Project Director
game Project Director
Tony Do
Tony Do
Server Engine Lead
Thuan Dang
Thuan Dang
Blockchain Lead
Brian Thrinh
Brian Thrinh
Operation Head
Alex Nguyen
Alex Nguyen
Game Engine Lead


Joseph Yong
Joseph Yong
Long Vuong
Long Vuong
Long Vuong linkedin
Trang Duong
Trang Duong

Social media

Eragon web-siteEragon TelegramEragon LinkedInEragon X (Twitter)

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