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Experty (WIS)


Decentralized Skype-like app for mobile and desktop.

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Project industryBusiness Services & Consulting

Technical details

The Experty platform is based on an Ethereum network contract which acts as the back-end for the service. The website and applications store the information about the usage history of all users. -WebRTC​ ​Protocol -Fully​ ​Decentralized​ ​Call​ ​Links​ ​ -Instant​ ​Payments​ -Cross​ ​Platform​ ​Calling​ ​Application​ -Availability​ ​Schedule​ ​ -Ethereum​ ​Wallet​ ​

What is Experty

Experty user can pay a provider upfront for a consultation, but the exact amount required is not known because the provider may be charging by the minute or by the hour. Experty user and provider may not know the total duration of the conversation at the time that payment is discussed.

The Experty platform consists of applications available for mobile, web, and desktop. Experty users are also able to send free text messages between each other in order to discuss the terms further if needed. Text messaging can also be disabled by the provider if they so choose. Experty voice or video calls are always paid, charging by the providers predetermined rate.

Experty will have the ability to operate globally, without interruption, at any time of day.

Experty includes more advanced payment types, such as a varied rate for longer calls, or different suggested rates for different types of knowledge providers. The available Experty modifiable options a knowledge provider has will be updated based on continual user feedback.


Public sales: Jan 24, 2018 - Jan 26, 2018
Token supply: 100000000 EXY
Hard cap: 9,437,220 USD
Raised: 9,500,000 USD


Registration country: Switzerland
Office address: Gubelstrasse 116300 Zug, Switzerland

Token info

Ticker: WIS
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-20
Token price in USD: 1 EXY = 1.0618 USD
Token price in ETH: 1 Token = 0.001000 ETH
Accepted currencies: ETH
Bonus program:
10-60% bonuses
Token distribution:
33% Crowd Sale Tokens
33% Company Tokens (vested for 3 years*)
33% Partner Tokens (locked for 18 months)
1% to cover tokensale costs
Funds allocation:
40% Software Development
40% Marketing and Promotion
15% Long Term Research
5% Legal

Experty Roadmap


Company foundation of software consulting company React Poland.


- First small crypto project for SatoshiPay
- Initial solidity smart contracts and web3 internal projects


Blockchain projects research and analysis

Q1 2017

Project concept

Q2 2017

Started development

Q3 2017

Seed investment round $700,000

Q4 2017

Alpha release + planned Token Generation Event

Q1 2018

- Mobile/Webapp Beta
- Contacts Management
- Ethereum Wallet
- Mobile: Messaging, Voice Calls
- WebApp: Balance, Messaging

Q2 2018

- Security Audit
- Market Release
- Call-Me Web Links
- Mobile: Availiability Schedule
- WebApp: Voice Calls, Availiability Schedule

Q3 2018

- Desktop Beta
- Mobile: Video Calls, Balance Management
- WebApp: Video Calls

Q4 2018

- Desktop Release
- Fiat Fateway
- Advanced Payment Rles
- Desktop (MacOS/Windows): Balance management, Messaging, Video Calls
- Mobile: UX Update
- WebApp: UX Update

Q1 2019

- Refinement Based on Users Feedback
- Screen sharing

Q2 2019

- Group Calls

Project team

Kamil Przeorski
Kamil Przeorski
CEO Founder
Kamil Przeorski linkedin
Tom Dyl
Tom Dyl
CTO CO-Founder
Tom Dyl linkedin
Greg Kucmierz
Greg Kucmierz
Solidity engineer, co-founder
Greg Kucmierz linkedin
Blaise Mathai
Blaise Mathai
Communications Manager
Blaise Mathai linkedin
Sarah Khan
Sarah Khan
Project Director
Anatolii Menlyk
Anatolii Menlyk
Full Stack Developer
Anatolii Menlyk linkedin
Hubert Stemplewski
Hubert Stemplewski
Mobile Developer
Hubert Stemplewski linkedin
Alex Kowalczuk
Alex Kowalczuk
Software QA
Alex Kowalczuk linkedin
Adam Strzempa
Adam Strzempa
Mobile Developer
Patryk Szczyglo
Patryk Szczyglo
Mobile Developer
Patryk Szczyglo linkedin
Pawel Rokosz
Pawel Rokosz
Frontend Developer
Pawel Rokosz linkedin
Matt Saczewski
Matt Saczewski
Marketing Manager
Matt Saczewski linkedin
Luke Kubica
Luke Kubica
Mobile Developer
Luke Kubica linkedin
Daniel Chmiel
Daniel Chmiel
Fullstack developer
Daniel Chmiel linkedin
Patryk Huzarski
Patryk Huzarski
Frontend Developer
Patryk Huzarski linkedin


Richard Titus
Richard Titus
Richard Titus linkedin
Jason King
Jason King
Craig Sellars
Craig Sellars
Ex-CTO Bitfinex, CTO of Tether & BLOCKv
Craig Sellars linkedin
Richard Ma
Richard Ma
CEO of Quantstamp
Richard Ma linkedin
Pawel Bylica
Pawel Bylica
Ethereum, Golem, Software Architect
Pawel Bylica linkedin
Josh Olszewicz
Josh Olszewicz
Blockchain Community Influencer
Josh Olszewicz linkedin
Luis Carranza
Luis Carranza
FinTechWeek Founder, Marketing Strategist
Luis Carranza linkedin
Szczepan Bentyn
Szczepan Bentyn
Popular Polish Community Youtuber
Szczepan Bentyn linkedin
Nicolai Oster
Nicolai Oster
Head of ICOs @ Bitcoin Suisse
Nicolai Oster linkedin
Michal Parashidis
Michal Parashidis
Security & Blockchain Advisor
Michal Parashidis linkedin
Chris Hunichen
Chris Hunichen
ICO and Token Mechanics Expert, Investor Relations
Chris Hunichen linkedin
Ken Liu
Ken Liu
ICO and Token Mechanics Expert, Investor Relations
Mauro Cappiello
Mauro Cappiello
Experty AG Board Member, Legal and Business Advisory
Mauro Cappiello linkedin
Thomas Linder
Thomas Linder
MME, Legal and Tax advisory
Thomas Linder linkedin
Moe Levin
Moe Levin
Founder of Blockchain Forum
Moe Levin linkedin
Simon Cocking
Simon Cocking
Simon Cocking linkedin
Jae Kim
Jae Kim
Korean Investor Relations
Jae Kim linkedin
Janusz Nowakowski
Janusz Nowakowski
Blockchain and DevOps consultant
Janusz Nowakowski linkedin

Social media

Experty web-siteExperty MediumExperty BTCTalkExperty LinkedInExperty X (Twitter)Experty FacebookExperty Github

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