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Exscudo (EON)


An ecosystem that integrates cryptocurrencies into the traditional financial world and to create a single gateway to the market for common users, traders, investors and financial institutions. It consists of an Stock exchange, as well as a merchant, wallets, trading terminals, cards and a protected communication channel

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Project industryFinance Services & Banking
WhitepaperExscudo White Paper Open

Technical details

Uses its own distributed network called EON, DePOS (delegated proof of stake) mining. The delegate is any user that sets up an EON node. A delegate needs to deposit 20 000 EONs on the node. Then he will be able to confirm (sign) the transactions. The block time is 3 min fixed. The reward depends on the number of transactions in the block and is determined by the algorithm. All accounts that participate in the generation are ranged in descending order of the parameter score=abs( Ai - hash'(Bprev.signature)), where Ai is the index of the i account. The hash function is used to increase the entropy. The first 5 accounts from the list are chosen. These accounts will be able to receive the award for the support of the network’s infrastructure. To receive the award, it is needed to release a corresponding transaction within the coming XXXX blocks. If the transaction isn’t released, it is considered that the account doesn’t meet its commitments towards the network, and the reward goes to the coin’s account (such a ‘tax for the infrastructure growth’).

What is Exscudo

- The crypocurrency trading platform for beginners and professional traders, financial institutions and institutional investors - Multicurrency wallet and protected messenger app (to be released in Q2 2017) - Merchant solution for the acceptance of crypto currencies for e-commerce businesses and internet services - User have Debit Card connected to his account and can exchange currencies in real time - All Exscudo services are connected to the liquidity center via the company’s own blockchain EON - The sum person invests in ICO is equal to the sum he/she can trade daily with zero commission on the Exscudo exchange


Public sales: Apr 23, 2017 - May 29, 2017
Raised: 5,300,000 USD


Registration country: Estonia

Token info

Ticker: EON
Accepted currencies: BTC
Token distribution:
Total token supply: 240 000 000 EON coins Crowdsale token supply: 62.8% Bounty campaign: 1% EXSCUDO team: 12% Advisors: 1% Supervisory board: 3% Technical tokens for stabilization of distributed network at the early stage: 20% Testing and bug bounty: 0.2%

Exscudo Roadmap

Q1/Q2 2017

Launch of the chatwallet app (decentralized secure messenger and multi currency wallet)

Q2 2017

Open beta testing of the exchange

Q2/Q3 2017

Launch of exchange services (listings server, web-services of multi currency wallet)

Q2/Q3 2017

Launch of trading on the exchange

Q2/Q3 2017

Launch of the mobile phone trading terminal for Android

Q2/Q3 2017

Launch of the mobile phone trading terminal for iOS

Q2/Q3 2017

Launch of accounts with the integration of fiat currencies and launch of branded cards

Q1/Q2 2018

Launch of merchant-platform

Q1/Q2 2018

Launch of full trading terminals with expanded functions (Android, iOS, Desktop)

Project team

Konstantin Afanasiev
Konstantin Afanasiev
Head of UX/Ui
Aliaksandr Zahatski
Aliaksandr Zahatski
Head of Web Development
Anton Baukin
Anton Baukin
Lead Java developer
Andrew Zimine
Andrew Zimine
CEO, Founder
Andrew Zimine linkedin
Alex Sitnikov, PhD, MBA/MBI
Alex Sitnikov, PhD, MBA/MBI
CTO, Founder
Alex Sitnikov, PhD, MBA/MBI linkedin
Julian Kossinov
Julian Kossinov
Julian Kossinov linkedin
Alex Rebyakov
Alex Rebyakov
Lead Core Developer
Eugen Tchudinovskih
Eugen Tchudinovskih
Lead Developer of trading terminals
Oleg Bondar
Oleg Bondar
Head of Front-End and App DevelopmentAdvisors
Richard Kastelein
Richard Kastelein
Project Ambassador
Richard Kastelein linkedin
Christian Kossinov
Christian Kossinov
Financial Strategy Advisor, European and Asian Markets
Christian Kossinov linkedin


Richard Kastelein
Richard Kastelein
Project Ambassador
Richard Kastelein linkedin
Christian Kossinov
Christian Kossinov
Financial Strategy Advisor, European and Asian Markets
Christian Kossinov linkedin

Social media

Exscudo web-siteExscudo RedditExscudo MediumExscudoYouTubeExscudo BTCTalkExscudo LinkedInExscudo X (Twitter)Exscudo FacebookExscudo Slack

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