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Universe Finance (UNT)


Universe Finance is an active liquidity management platform of Uniswap V3 based on risk ranking and quantitative strategies. Our mission is to maximise our users’ Uniswap V3 return.

Universe Finance IDO info Dodo

Universe Finance IDO info Copper Launch

Universe Finance IDO info Poolz

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Project industryFinance Services & Banking / Ethereum Ecosystem / DeFi
Product typeDeFi
WhitepaperUniverse Finance White Paper Open

What is Universe Finance

The ultimate goal of Universe Finance is to provide a one-stop yield platform with the highest and most consistent actual yield in the entire DeFi market.

With a series of products, Universe Finance can meet the needs of LPs who have different risk appetites.

  • Uniswap V3 Backtesting Platform
  • Uniswap V3 Active LP Quantitative Management Strategy
  • Uniswap V3 Smart Vault
  • Uniswap V3 Private Vault
  • Uniswap V3 Hedging Vault (Developing)
  • Uniswap V3 Leveraged Vault (Designing)

It has already established partnerships with several institutions including Polygon Network, Instadapp, Olympus DAO, Dodo, 4SV, Poolz Finance, Biconomy and more.


IDO (Poolz Launchpad): Feb 18, 2022 - Feb 18, 2022
IDO (CopperLaunch Launchpad): Feb 15, 2022 - Feb 15, 2022
IDO (Dodoex Launchpad): Feb 18, 2022 - Feb 18, 2022
Pre-sale token supply: 120,000,000 UNT
Token supply: 1,000,000,000 UNT
Total tokens for sale: 150,000,000 UNT


Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
Registration year: 2021

Token info

Ticker: UNT
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-20
Token price in USD: 1 UNT = 0,05 USD
Token distribution:
5,6% - Airdrop
24,4% - Liquidity mining
8% - Operation
25% - Community Treasury
20% - Development
2% - Advisors
4% - Seed Round
8% - Private Round
3% - Strategic Round

Universe Finance Roadmap

Q2 2021
  • Backtesting Platform
  • Quantitative Strategies
  • Smart Vault
Q3 2021
  • Private Vault
  • Mainnet Launch
  • Hedge Vault
  • Support Layer2 ( Optimic )
Q4 2021
  • Leveraged Vault
  • Token Distribution
  • Token Economics ( Staking & Burning )
  • Liquidity Mining
Q1 2022
  • DAO governance
  • Cross Chain

Project team

Bruce (BIBI CAT) Lieu
Bruce (BIBI CAT) Lieu
Bruce (BIBI CAT) Lieu linkedin

Social media

Universe Finance web-siteUniverse Finance RedditUniverse Finance MediumUniverse Finance LinkedInUniverse Finance X (Twitter)Universe Finance DiscordUniverse Finance Github



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