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Findora Name Service (FNS)

Findora Name Service (FNS) is a distributed, open and extensible naming system built on Findora’s privacy-preserving blockchain.

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Project industryInternet & Telecommunications
Product typePlatform
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What is Findora Name Service

FNS Use Case

  • Transfers: Use FNS domain privacy transfer, Findora native chain can use privacy transfer function, and expand to multi-chain privacy transfer in the future.
  • Digital ID (DID) and KYC services: Privacy centric technologies are useful against leaking of personal information, we are bringing this to use in digital identification and KYC services that can be implemented on-chain on any projects big or small.
  • Integration of more DApps and wallets.

FNS Key Highlights

  • Low registration fee and minimum gas cost (built on Findora).
  • Extended privacy features, like selective disclosure of ownership information (supported by the Findora wallet extension leveraging various privacy features to support private transfers between two .fra domains.
  • First-of-its-kind infrastructure on the Findora chain.
  • FNS will be fully owned and governed by the FNS DAO for more decentralization and sustainability, incentivized by the FNS token whose holders share registration fees and governance rights to the FNS protocol.


Blockchain Platform: Findora

Findora Name Service Roadmap


FNS official launch on Findora


.fra support for more on-chain assets and social data integration


Zero-knowledge proof integration to hide ownership


Deploy selective disclosure of personal information through data ownership with FNS. The goal is to give users control of their identity in gaming, social media, DAOs, and community governance

Project team

Amber-Wang.fra twitter

Social media

Findora Name Service web-siteFindora Name Service MediumFindora Name Service X (Twitter)Findora Name Service Github



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