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FinShi (FINS)


FinShi Capital is a venture fund formed of cryptocurrency and is managed by experts in classic venture market.

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Project industryFinance Services & Banking
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What is FinShi

The platform will provide services for portfolio projects’ management, and its target audience is potential ICOs' investors. The owner of the token is an investor in the Fund. The token according to the Ethereum contract is a proof of you being a shareholder in proportion to the Fund’s portfolio companies. Also the token gives you the right to receive 80% of the profits of the Fund.


Hard cap: 50,000,000 USD(fiat)
Raised: 21,420,275 USD

Token info

Ticker: FINS
Accepted currencies: ETH
Token distribution:
Funds allocation: 75% of tokens will be invested in startups. 10% Marketing. 10% Management and Administrative expenses for the next 3 years. 5% Advisers and Bounty Campaign.

FinShi Roadmap

You invest in FinShi Capital
The fund selects the best projects and buys shares in them (no less than 15 projects will be invested).
We help all of our teams to grow exponentially, increase their revenues and their value in the eyes of clients
When our portfolio projects grow to be huge and expensive companies, we sell our shares and earn way more money than we invested in the first place
After each startup sale the fund gives you all of your money back together with profit

Project team

Andrey Orlov
Andrey Orlov
Managing partner
Andrey Orlov facebook
Vyacheslav Sorokin
Vyacheslav Sorokin
Partner FinShi Capital
Vyacheslav Sorokin facebook
Tim Lee
Tim Lee
Ayami Tanaka
Ayami Tanaka
Senior Manager
Ayami Tanaka facebook

Social media

FinShi web-siteFinShi X (Twitter)FinShi FacebookFinShi Github

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