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Forecast (FCT)


Forecast is an application to track cryptocurrencies from various exchanges, create portfolio and alerts and designed to function applications like  Coin Ticker, Blockfolio and more.

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Project industryTrading & Investing
Product typePlatform
WhitepaperForecast White Paper Open

What is Forecast

Forecast is a free application to track cryptocurrencies from various exchanges, create portfolios and alerts, designed to function as applications like Coin Ticker, Blockfolio and/or crypto projects like CoinDash, DetectorToken, and Trackr. To attract more users, forecast is designed with gamification experience. Forecast decided to add gamification principles to the watcher and portfolio management applications, in which users can guess the next 24h value of a specific cryptocurrency using the Gems provided or purchased.

All new users will be provided 100 Gems at start, and will predict the cryptocurrencies’ future value in the next 24 hours by using the provided markets’ average value. The predictions can be made with 1 to 10 Gems, which will be doubled for an accurate prediction at the end of the 24 hours.

The web version of the application will allow all users to convert Gems to FCT tokens, which will transform the Gems earned in the game to a real-life value.


Pre-sales: Apr 04, 2018 - May 02, 2018
Token supply: 10,000,000
Hard cap: 50,000,000 USD(fiat)


Blockchain Platform: Ethereum

Token info

Ticker: FCT
Type: Utility-token
Accepted currencies: ETH
Bonus program:
ICO Week 1st 5,600 FCT Token / 1 ETH with 40% bonus
ICO Week 2nd 4,800 FCT Token / 1 ETH with 20% bonus
ICO Week 3rd 4,400 FCT Token / 1 ETH with 10% bonus
ICO Week 4th 4,000 FCT Token / 1 ETH
Token distribution:
50% - Contributors
30% - Reserves
10% - Marketing & Development
10% - Founding Team

Forecast Roadmap

Q1, 2018

Pre-Sales Begins.
Crowdsale Begins.
Modules: Cumulative Guess Analytics.

Q2, 2018

Ports: Android, iPhone, Web.
Sections: Hall of Fame (Best Guessers).
Major: Convert Gems to Tokens, Tokens to Gems.
Minor: Portfolio enhancements, Refer a friend, Chinese Support.

Q3, 2018

Ports: Facebook, Tablet (iPad).
Sections: Follow Users, News, Achievements.
Modules: Stigmergic Quantitative Data.
Major: DEX support (Waves, Ardor).
Minor: Dark Theme, Russian Support.

Q4, 2018

Ports: Tablet (Android).
Sections: Create guess coupons (within DEX or non-DEX), Top Coupons.
Modules: Recommendation Engine.
Major: FX (Real FX) support, Top Coupons.
Minor: Korean Support.

Q1, 2019

Ports: Windows Mobile.
Sections: Create mixed guess coupons (DEX & Exchanges).
Modules: Auto-Trade.
Minor: Japanese Support.

Q2, 2019

Ports: Smart Watch (Apple, Android).
Sections: Create mixed guess coupons (FX, DEX & Exchanges).
Minor: Hindu Support.

Project team

Zain Thury
Zain Thury
CEO & Founder
Martin Zuann
Martin Zuann
Angela Runihs
Angela Runihs
Project manager
Mohait Tunin
Mohait Tunin
Community Manager
Kuren Matter
Kuren Matter
Info Security
Miphen Lift
Miphen Lift

Social media

Forecast web-siteForecast TelegramForecast X (Twitter)Forecast Facebook

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