What is Gdigit
The gold deposits our company owns are located in the East Kazakhstan region. Our geological survey has revealed data confirming the economic feasibility of the project. The placer deposit and its surrounding terraces are confirmed to hold some 1000 kg of the precious metal. A quartz-sulfide vein found in the area is estimated to hold some 5-6 tons of gold. A three-year production schedule to 2023 is set, and the National Bank of Kazakhstan will commit to buying out our entire stock.
The key objective of our project is to make investments in gold more appealing and accessible to a wider audience. We believe the functionality cryptocurrencies provide to be pivotal in this regard. To achieve the goal we have set before us, we have created our own decentralized cryptocurrency as part of the GLDS project: it relies on highly technological concepts to achieve high liquidity for the project's token. Each coin our project issues is backed by 0.02 grams of gold, closely tying together two investment instruments that may seem a world apart: gold and cryptocurrencies. Every GLDS project participant has the opportunity to not only join a highly technological start-up, but secure a guaranteed passive income whatever life may bring.
In recent years the price of gold has been steadily climbing which means that should this trend continue (and lest we forget, the amount of gold on the planet is finite, and the demand for it is not going down) GLDS token holders will be able to extract guaranteed profit since each coin is backed by 0.02 grams of gold, that can be sold for what it's worth on an exchange. GLDS tokens are a real opportunity to become part of an ambitious future-proof project, and it starts today!
DetailsPublic sales: Feb 20, 2020 - Aug 15, 2020IEO (p2pb2b Launchpad): Apr 02, 2020 - May 31, 2020 Pre-sale token supply: 1,000,000 GLDS Token supply: 15,000,000 GLDS Total tokens for sale: 14,000,000 GLDS Soft cap: 3,500,000 USD Hard cap: 10,500,000 USD LegalBlockchain Platform: EthereumRegistration year: 2017 Office address: Republic of Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan area, Zharminskiy region, 10 blocks near Kentarlau, 4 blocks near Balyktykol | Token infoTicker: GLDSType: Utility-token Token standard: ERC20 Token price in USD: 1 GLDS = 1 USD Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC Bonus program: 1,000,000 GLDS - bonus 50% 4,000,000 GLDS - bonus 25% 5,000,000 GLDS - bonus 20% 1,500,000 GLDS - bonus 10% Token distribution: PreICO - 10% ICO - 83% Team -5.5% Bounty -1.5% |
Gdigit Roadmap
GDIGIT project launch. Appearance of an idea It was decided to start a gold mining business. Search for gold ore and alluvial deposits available for business.
Selection of deposits Analysis and study of submitted proposals for acquisition of deposits. Attendance of deposits by team and geologists. Analysis of reserves in the deposits according to historical data was conducted.
Registration of Kalbatau Inter Gold, LLP Registration of Kalbatau Inter Gold, LLP. Staff recruitment: geologist, mineral surveyor, etc. Selection of gold ore and alluvial deposits: East Kazakhstan Region, Zharma district, 10 blocks of Kentarlau settlement, 4 blocks of Balyktykol settlement.
Obtaining of licenses and permits Obtaining of licenses for exploration and production of gold by Kalbatau Inter Gold, LLP. Acquisition of gold ore and alluvial deposits: East Kazakhstan Region, Zharma District, 10 blocks of Kentarlau settlement, 4 blocks of Balyktykol settlement.
Field geological explorations According to the results of the performed field geological explorations in the terraces and valleys of alluvial gold content, the reserves of alluvial gold of about 800 kg and more were confirmed.
Beginning of works at the deposit Experimental pilot production at the deposit was launched. The long-term perspective plan for gold mining for 2020-2023 was drawn up. The business plan of the project was drawn up. The preparatory stage for the launch has been started.
Registration of NURSULTAN GOID, LLP Choice of gold ore and alluvial gold deposit in East Kazakhstan region, Zharma district, settlement Ushbiik, 25 blocks. Preparation of documents for obtaining of licenses for exploration and production of gold started.
Conducting of Privat-Sale The Privat-Sale project was successfully implemented. Over 1,500,000 GLDS tokens (including a bonus of 50%) were sold, the amount of fees – 1,000,000 USD
Launch of PR and marketing campaigns Implementation of a marketing program in order to attract maximum number of participants to the project. Launching of the Bounty program. Implementation of marketing activities in social networks as well as in business and crypto media.
Registration of GoLd Didital Standart Corporation Limited, Hong Kong Consolidation of Kalbatau Inter Gold, LLP and NURSULTAN GOID, LLP into GoLd Didital Standart Corporation Limited.
ICO implementation Launch of the main round of ICO project. The main sale period is from February 15, 2020 till August 15, 2020.
Beginning of negotiations with stock exchanges Beginning of negotiations with stock exchanges to bring project tokens to crypt currency exchanges to ensure their free circulation. The project plan anticipates 3-5 stock exchanges.
Delivery of machinery and equipment to the site At the start of the project it takes 1 month for the delivery and installation of machinery and equipment, which will also affect the production parameters of the first month of work
Start of alluvial gold mining at the deposit The production plan is based on the project input parameters and the gold content of the alluvial deposit. Active mining will take place from May till October (work season) 2020.
Appearance of GLDS token on the stock exchanges Implementation of agreements with exchanges, appearance of BTC/GLDS, ETH/GLDS and other pairs on exchanges. Specific addresses of the trading floors will be announced additionally in the project news on the website and in social networks.
Output of 100% extraction capacity Output of 100% gold production capacity at the deposit according to the production plan (expected figure is 40,500 grams monthly until November 2020).
Transition to winter work mode Completion of the active production period, conservation of the deposit.
Token buy-back program Launch of a token buy-back program at the market price. Every quarter from $150,000 to $350,000 will be allocated to buy tokens back.
Preparing to getting started. Resumption of gold mining at the deposit. Beginning of works on gold mining at the second deposit. Production plans are based on project input parameters and gold content at the alluvial deposit. Active mining will take place from May till October 2021.
Project team