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imusify (IMU)


Imusify is a music platform and ecosystem designed to provide an open-source innovation space for developing new means of music distribution, consumption, and engagement.

Imusify’s self-publishing platform creates an efficient system for artists and content creators to network and collaborate, while maintaining direct ownership of their work. ϑ IMU tokens will be used as the engine to support imusify’s proprietary music economy, creating an immense potential value for the token’s use as a means for exchanging value between artists, fans, and other participants.

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Project industryArt & Music
Product typeTechnology
Whitepaperimusify White Paper Open

What is imusify

In today’s music industry, money speaks louder than ever. The rapid digitalization of music has led to a wide range of avenues for monetizing content. The problem however, is that the music industry was built as a centralized system for physical distribution. This was more practical in the 1970s when there was no internet and record labels were distributing actual records. This centralized system was not designed for today’s digital world and its outdated structure creates multiple inefficiencies in the music value chain. Fortunately, we now have the technology to begin to decentralize the music industry, providing increased value to artists, consumers and other industry players.

imusify is one of the pioneers of music’s decentralization movement. Other blockchain music projects also show leadership in tackling certain inefficiencies such as event booking and copyright management. However, what sets imusify apart is that it aims to serve different shareholders and players across the entire music value chain, including crowdsourcing, collaboration, production, distribution, promotion, curation, live events and more. While existing blockchain music projects address several current pitfalls of the music industry, imusify is designing for the future. We are building a scalable and adaptable technology framework for artists, music lovers, entrepreneurs and developers to use our platform to connect with the imusify community, create collaborative content and build new use cases.

While blockchain poses myriad opportunities to increase quality of life for virtually anyone in some way, operating as a decentralized organization presents inherent risk. With the birth of cryptocurrencies and exchanges, the barrier for investment decreased dramatically. The subsequent flood of currencies and initial coin offerings (ICOs) entering the market has led to several economic boom and bust episodes. A boom and bust episode occurs when a company experiences a significant rise and fall in asset prices that do not directly relate to the firm’s value or profits.1 With blockchain still in its infancy, very few currencies are mature enough to be traded based on their use case’s delivery of value or return of profits. Although a cryptocurrency exchange exists similarly to a stock exchange, until now cryptocurrencies have been traded solely on speculative basis, with little consideration for the actual value or potential profitability of the company.

imusify considers it a responsibility to present a cohesive document that allows us to escape the “whitepaper era” of blockchain and currency trading and into the era of real use and real value. While most whitepapers do not discuss the greater context of the blockchain economy, this analysis can be valuable to our readers by clarifying the inevitable uncertainty of an innovative venture like imusify, and by providing the necessary information for shareholders and early adopters to make informed decisions.


Pre-sales: Mar 01, 2019 - Mar 31, 2019
Public sales: Apr 01, 2019 - Apr 30, 2019
Pre-sale token supply: 100,000,000 IMU
Token supply: 350,000,000 IMU
Total tokens for sale: 650,000,000 IMU
Soft cap: 1,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 25,000,000 USD


Registration country: Estonia

Token info

Ticker: IMU
Type: Utility-token
Token price in USD: 1 IMU= 0.05 USD
Accepted currencies: NEO, BTC, ETH
Bonus program:
Pre-ICO - 30%
ICO 1-2 days - 12%
ICO 3-9 days - 9%
ICO 10-16 days - 6%
ICO 17-23 days - 3%
Token distribution:
38% - main sale
8% - pre-ICO
4% - private sale
14% - incentive pool
13% - company
11% - team and advisors
8% - strategic partnerships
2% - contributor rewards
2% - charity program
Funds allocation:
20% - product development
20% - sales and marketing
20% - legal
20% - supplier development
15% - operations
5% - charity program

imusify Roadmap

July 2017

Concept Development.

August 2017


November 2017

MVP 1.

January 2018

Team Established.

February 2018

MVP 2.

October 2018

imusify Alpha.

November 2018

imusify Beta.

December 2018

Imusify v1.

January 2019

imusify Academy.

March 2019

Platform 2.0.

Project team

David Walters
David Walters
Chief Executive Officer
David Walters linkedin
Dina Yedigeyeva
Dina Yedigeyeva
Chief Financial Officer
Dina Yedigeyeva linkedin
Nate Strang
Nate Strang
Chief Operating Officer
Nate Strang linkedin
Jennie Legary
Jennie Legary
Chief Marketing Officer
Jennie Legary linkedin
Luka Pregelj
Luka Pregelj
Project Manager & Legal Advisor
Luka Pregelj linkedin
Jaroslav Karasek
Jaroslav Karasek
Project Director
Jaroslav Karasek linkedin
Gianluigi Guida
Gianluigi Guida
Gianluigi Guida linkedin
Basit Raza
Basit Raza
Backend & Blockchain Development
Basit Raza linkedin
Jovana Jelkic
Jovana Jelkic
Community Manager
Jovana Jelkic linkedin
Andres Jaramillo
Andres Jaramillo
Blockchain & Lead Frontend Developer
Andres Jaramillo linkedin
Istvan Szukacs
Istvan Szukacs
Blockchain & Backend Developer
Istvan Szukacs linkedin
Istvan Balinth
Istvan Balinth
UI/UX Designer
Istvan Balinth linkedin
Constantin Nicholas Goller
Constantin Nicholas Goller
Product Manager
Constantin Nicholas Goller linkedin
Matthew Hussey
Matthew Hussey
Creative Content Lead
Matthew Hussey linkedin
Marco Aniballi
Marco Aniballi
Chief Product Owner
Marco Aniballi linkedin
Business Development & PR
Cauveé linkedin
Onuwa Nnachi Isaac
Onuwa Nnachi Isaac
Onuwa Nnachi Isaac linkedin
Wayne Chico Pittman
Wayne Chico Pittman
Business Development
Wayne Chico Pittman linkedin
David Spielman
David Spielman
Innovation/Business Strategist
David Spielman linkedin
Darius Bruner
Darius Bruner
Darius Bruner linkedin
Tadej Krevh
Tadej Krevh
Chief Technical Officer
Tadej Krevh linkedin


Joakim Holmer
Joakim Holmer
Blockchain Advisor
Joakim Holmer linkedin
Nikolaj Kuntner
Nikolaj Kuntner
Technical Advisor
Nikolaj Kuntner linkedin
Chris Hager
Chris Hager
Technical Advisor
Chris Hager linkedin
John Gado
John Gado
Music Industry Partner
John Gado linkedin
Marcus Brown
Marcus Brown
Music Industry Advisor
Marcus Brown linkedin
Wayne Rosso
Wayne Rosso
Music Industry Advisor
Wayne Rosso linkedin
Vincent Castellucci
Vincent Castellucci
Music Industry Advisor
Vincent Castellucci linkedin
Gijs Verheijke
Gijs Verheijke
Strategic Advisor
Gijs Verheijke linkedin
Dennis Chin
Dennis Chin
Music Industry & Strategic Advisor
Dennis Chin linkedin
Tommy Walters
Tommy Walters
Tommy Walters linkedin
Tadej Krevh
Tadej Krevh
Technical Advisor
Jeremy Khoo
Jeremy Khoo
Fundraising and Product Advisor
Jeremy Khoo linkedin
Alexandre Orfevre
Alexandre Orfevre
Alexandre Orfevre linkedin

Social media

imusify web-siteimusify Redditimusify MediumimusifyYouTubeimusify Telegramimusify Instagramimusify LinkedInimusify X (Twitter)imusify Facebookimusify Github

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