![]() | Kriptotrackers Token (KTS)Tracking fundamental analisys aspects of blockchain projects helps investors to reduce risk and reduce research time. One of the main goals of the platform is to spread the importance of the main aspects of crypto projects and how this makes a project valuable. We want to contibute for the adoption of blockchain projects in Latin America. IMPORTANT: By investing in this business you agree to ourDisclaimer. All information including our rating, is provided merely for informational purposes. CryptoTotem does not provide investment advice. |
Technical details
Big data and A.I. platform capable of monitoring and evaluating the meaningful aspects of the fundamental analysis for projects related to Blockchain Technology.
What is Kriptotrackers Token
This work describes the objective, functionality and technical aspects of the project Kriptotrackers KTS, which is the product of a collaborative platform, with the principal purpose to track foremost characteristics related to Fundamental Analysis of projects related to Blockchain Technology. Thus, the main purpose is to create a reliable source of information about cryptocurrencies, and provide an indispensable tool for anyone whom wants to start in the exciting world of cryptocurrencies trade market.
This project has a partnership with Turing Investments part of Oeste Group (http://oeste.xyz), a Mexican Company dedicated to Blockchain Technology. Oeste had been awarded national and internationally in Big Data application for its expertise.
In 2016 participate in the International Fair of Tourism (FITUR by its initial in Spanish) and achieved a spot among the finalists in the touristic innovation by developing a Big Data based platform for the perception analysis of Mexican touristic destinies, this platform was developed for the Tourism Ministry of Mexico (SECTUR).
Furthermore, the proposed business model is a freemium platform which depending on the possession of ERC20 token and Metamask the final user will have unlimited access to the features and no publicity in his interface. Therefore, with the owned experience it is wanted to provide well based point of view regarding projects related with crypto.
Our business model is a freemium platform which depending on the possession of the KTS ERC20 token.
Since the release of the source code of Bitcoin in 2008 and as a result of its OpenSource nature, the number of projects that use this code have rose considerably, just to give an approach by the time of writing this document there are around 2000 projects (January 2019).
Problem to solve
Nowadays, daily projects are launched and most of them are copy paste code or scams, fact that betrayed the faith in blockchain projects. This represents a big problem for developers and entrepreneurs in the cryptocurrency world, due to people don´t accept the new economic technology, since it is no easy to rely on this kind of schemes. Besides the side effects as big capital loses among new and old investors.
In Turing investments, we have experience implementing Big Data techniques evaluating qualitative aspects in the real world, that is why we have built an online tool Kriptotrackers KTS, capable of monitoring the meaningful aspects of cryptocurrency fundamental analysis. The results of our development will be summed up in a smart dashboard feed by our indicators that provide a sneak peek of the projects that have the best projection in the Blockchain environment. Once we have obtained the data, we will assign 2 evaluations of the project. One will evaluate the current performance of the project and the second will evaluate its potential performance.
These days there are lots of ICO evaluation platforms, but this platform lose the track once the ICO is done, we are going to create a fundamental analysis tool supported by BigData and IA techniques, we want to share a great online tool to the community who simplifies it’s own research’s, and keep the track of projects that they already have invested and not only that in our platform they will discover other projects that they are doing really well and were out of their radar , we want to share a tool for blockchain developers who want to compare it’s performance against similar projects, and the developers will have another showcase for development achievements., also our platform will help to give an easy and friendly close up to blockchain technology fundamental analysis.
DetailsPublic sales: Jul 22, 2019 - Aug 22, 2019Token supply: 1,000,000 KTS Total tokens for sale: 650,000 KTS Soft cap: 300 ETH Hard cap: 5,500 ETH LegalBlockchain Platform: EthereumCountry limitations: USA Registration country: Mexico Registration year: 2018 Office address: Ejercito Nacional 373, Oficina 505 Colonia, Granada, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo Mexico | Token infoTicker: KTSType: Utility-token Token standard: ERC20 Token price in USD: 1 KTS = 2 USD Token price in EUR: 1 KTS = 1.70 EUR Token price in BTC: 1 KTS = 0.0002 BTC Token price in ETH: 1 KTS = 0.01 ETH Accepted currencies: ETH Token distribution: Token - 65% Airdrop - 10% Reserved - 20% Team - 5% Funds allocation: Development - 60% Operative - 15% Contingency - 15% Infraestructure - 10% |
Kriptotrackers Token Roadmap
- Actual performance
- Project detail view
- Potential performance
- New projects proposal
- New projects proposal
- Tracking list
- Alarms
- Support tickets
- Community vote central
- Indicators V2 (Machine learning)
- Indicators V3 (Machine learning)
- Alarms (machine learning)
- Big Data on Chain
- Machine learning on Chain
Project team