What is Lexit
LEXITs marketplace, buyers and sellers meet directly en masse allowing market forces and network dynamics to render corporate assets such as patents, trademarks, technology, specialized departments and entire companies into highly liquid assets that can be traded at ease, rented and licensed.
LEXIT are convinced and able to demonstrate that this increased liquidity and market-efficiency will prove itself highly beneficial in terms of promoting innovation and supporting growth, while reducing overhead costs and risk.
The seller uses the platforms web interface to create a listing of the asset he looks to sell which is published on the platform after a basic check by the platform owner (LEXIT).
Potential buyers can use the web interface to search for the assets, IP or company branches they need for the development and growth of their business.
The seller sees several buy offers and can check a potential buyers history on the platform.
DetailsPre-sales: Jun 19, 2018 - Jul 26, 2018IDO (BSCPad Launchpad): May 26, 2021 - May 26, 2021 Soft cap: 2,000ETH Hard cap: 6,978,000 USD(fiat) LegalCountry limitations: Singapore, United StatesRegistration country: Estonia | Token infoTicker: LXTType: Utility-token Token standard: ERC-20 Accepted currencies: ETH Token distribution: 50% - Market 29.5% - Company Reserve 10% - Team 4.5% - Advisors 4% - Partners 2% - Airdrop & Bounties |
Lexit Roadmap
Angel Round
Community Build
Collecting Listings / Subscriptions
User base Growth / Submissions
General Partners Sign Ups
Feature Set Implementation
Marketing and PR
High Security KYC ID Verification
MPAi Development (Market Predictive Ai)
3rd Party Audit Services & Legal Services
Customer Support and Marketing
Crypto Payments Implementation
Legal Services via Blockchain
LEXITs Crypto Escrow Service
LEXITs Premium Model
Building Assessor Network
Fraud Protection Department
Development of Strong R&D Structure
Initial Coin Offering
Partner Program Expansion: Europe, Russia, USA
MPAi Development for LEXIT Users
Third Party API Development
Integration Of SAAS Feature
Integration of Licensing Feature
Expanding Assessor Network
Expanding Fraud Protection Department
Establishing Strong R&D Department
Partner Program Expansion: Asia, Australia, South America
Partner Program Expansion: Africa
MPAi Development for 3rd Party
LEXITs Blockchain Development
LEXIT Crypto Equity Exchange
Development of R&D Projects
Crypto Equity Exchange
Project team
