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Liquidity.Network (LQD)


Liquidity.Network is an off-chain payment ecosystem.

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Project industryFinance Services & Banking
WhitepaperLiquidity.Network White Paper Open

What is Liquidity.Network

Liquidity.Network hubs can rebalance their channels off-chain, increasing scalability over regular payment channels.

REVIVE is peer reviewed and published at ACM CCS 2017, a Tier 1 Information Security conference.

Liquidity.Network is a scalable and atomic off-chain exchange of crypto. Immune to blockchain congestion, no miner front running, unaffected by excessive blockchain transaction fees, and scalable to Bitfinex and Kraken throughput.


Public sales: Jun 14, 2018 - Jul 19, 2018
Hard cap: 34,100,000 USD(fiat)
Raised: 26,029,981 USD

Token info

Ticker: LQD
Accepted currencies: ETH

Liquidity.Network Roadmap

September, 2017 Alpha Version of Liquidity.Network

Excited by REVIVE,
we developed the first
alpha version for Li
quidity.Network, and
launched a private
Liquidity.Network hub.

November, 2017 Public Announcement

Launch of the official Liquidity.Network web-site, FAQ, whitepaper, engage the community and public roadmap.

December, 2017 Foster development

Based on the community feedback we adopt improvement ideas and attract talent to join the Liquidity. Network development.

Q1 2018 Early Bird Access, Testing

Deploy Liquidity.Network hub MVP and give early bird access. Build a strong community. Optimize the hub.

Q2 2018 Public Liquidity.

Network Publish the official and stable Liquidity. Network version. Include web and mobile wallets. Enable inter-hub operability with REVIVE.

Q3 2018 First App, Decentralized Exchange

Enable the Liquidity. Network to perform exchanges of ERC-20 tokens. Faster and more cost efficient trading than other decentralized solutions.

February, 14th 2018

pre-sale Start

March, 8th 2018

pre-Sale Ends

April, 8th 2018 @ 4PM GMT - Whitelist starts

To join the main sale, every contributor must first join the whitelist through joining our telegram channel and registering an Ethereum address with our chat bot, @BIGwig_bot.

April, 16th 2018 @ 4 PM GMT - KYC starts

The KYC process starts under Limited seats available, first come first served!

Filling out the KYC documents requires an Authentication Code that you get from our friendly telegram bot @bigwig_bot after whitelisting.

Together with your Ethereum address, this allows you to upload the KYC documents. All contributors will need to go through KYC to be under strict compliance with Swiss law.

June, 11th 2018 @ 4PM - Dutch auction parameters

Dutch auction parameters for the main sale will be communicated

June, 14th 2018 @ 4PM GMT - ICO starts

The tokens will be sold in a Dutch auction to give participants a fair opportunity at an acceptable valuation. Dutch auctions are widely accepted as one of the best mechanisms for fair price discovery and have been the models for both crypto (e.g. Polkadot) and traditional companies (e.g. Google).
The token price in a dutch auction is initially very high (i.e. the cap is high) and goes down with time. The longer the auction lasts, the lower the cap becomes, and the lower the token price ends up. Participants can bid at their preferred moment during the auction. A dutch auction is avoiding a transaction-fee bidding contest and also avoids a blockchain congestion.

Project team

Arthur Gervais
Arthur Gervais
Arthur Gervais linkedin
Rami Khalil
Rami Khalil
Inventor of REVIVE
Rami Khalil linkedin
George Sedky
George Sedky
Guillaume Felley
Guillaume Felley
Thibault Meunier
Thibault Meunier
Janine Videva
Janine Videva
Marketing and Communication
Imran Khan
Imran Khan
Marketing and Communication
Tony Tran
Tony Tran
Marketing and Communication
Mohammed Kasstawi
Mohammed Kasstawi
Marketing and Communication

Social media

Liquidity.Network web-siteLiquidity.Network MediumLiquidity.NetworkYouTubeLiquidity.Network TelegramLiquidity.Network X (Twitter)Liquidity.Network Github

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