What is MangaMon
The MangaMon Metaverse is a GameFi ecosystem built on the Fantom blockchain, exclusively for fans of the old games.
By recreating the hottest ones in the past 20 years with large fan bases, playing in the MangaMon Metaverse will become very familiar to most users, allowing them to enjoy and feel comfortable without putting in too much effort.
More than that, we have developed sophisticated mathematical models to build a balanced game economy that rewards all long-term players but still remains simple and easy for new players.
DetailsIDO (FantomStarter Launchpad): May 19, 2022 - May 19, 2022Token supply: 21,000,000 MAN LegalBlockchain Platform: FantomRegistration year: 2022 | Token infoTicker: MANToken distribution: Angel Fans - 2% Private investor - 10% IDO - 3% Liquidity pool - 5% Spin Drop - 5% Team - 12% Marketing - 8% Ranking Reward - 50% Reserbe - 5% |
MangaMon Roadmap
Spin Drop the 1st phase (using 3 FTM as instructed above). Referral Ranking Rewards - distribute 10,000 fUSDT for the Top 20.
End the 1st Spin Drop program
Start releasing IPO (Initial Partnership Offering) for Partners.
Start the Spin Drop Plus and 10,000 fUSDT Referral Ranking Reward Program for the Top 20.
Release Mini Battle on landing page for users' experience.
PVE Hone your skills.
New Lobby UI.
Earning Missions (Ranking).
Update the top 10 Ranking at 7:30pm.
Remind the time to end Spin Drop Plus and IDO whitelist
(The whitelist winners and Top Ref rewards will be announced after 11pm on May 17th)
11pm - Announce ending the Spin Drop Plus event & IDO whitelist.
Announce Top Referrals & IDO Whitelist Winners.
Reward Top Referrals & Start IDO procedures.
Listing on SushiSwap.
Start selling boxes & release more battle modes.
NFT Rental (on marketplace). Release Free For Fan PVE.
Release Monster Fight (Single player PVE).
Release Tribal wars (PVP).
Release Massive crusades (Multiplayer PVE)
MangaMon is ambitious to publish at least 2 games per year including the following game styles:
- Turn-based Multiplayer artillery (GunBound)
- Placing bomb, party action game (Bomberman)
- RPG Fighting (Shadow Fight)
- Farming style game (Harvest Moon - 牧場物語)
- 3D MMORPG (MU Online)
Project team


Social media