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MBYS bounty

MBYS is a platform that seeks to create a world of professional recruiting.

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Project industryRecruitment & Crowdsourcing
Product typePlatform
WhitepaperMBYS White Paper Open

What is MBYS

MBYS is a professional networking platform for a decentralized world. Here, users have full autonomy to customize their privacy settings, decide who is allowed to view their data, and receive rewards for sharing their data.

The Mutual Exchange Service Hash (MESH) token serves as the official currency on the MBYS platform. Users receive MESH for almost all activities on the MBYS platform, such as staking tokens to validate profiles or for selling their professional data to interested companies.



Public sales: Jun 05, 2018 - Jul 05, 2018
Token supply: 22,950,000
Hard cap: 9,351,000 USD(fiat)


Country limitations: China, United States,

Token info

Ticker: MESH
Type: Utility-token
Token price in USD: 1 MESH = 0.66578 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH
Token distribution:
51% - token sale
25% - management, empoyees and advisors
21% - platform reserve
3% - bounty and rewards
Funds allocation:
55% - developing the MESH token protocol and MBYS
25% - marketing and sales
8% - equipment
7% - general and administrative
5% - legal free

MBYS Roadmap

2018 Q2

Conclude early access token sale and release beta version to contributors.
Bring on two full time platform developers and an additional solidity developer.

Release Beta v2 and continue recruiting companies to use the platform.
Promote the protocol to other startups for integration with Indorse, Status, and other potential partners.

List the token on an exchange.
Allow for open market purchases of MESH Tokens.

Integrate other decentralized platforms.
Full suite of user and corporate level features.

Continue recruiting clients that use the MBYS Platform.

Q3, 2018

Optimize and update the token protocol.
Major focus on abuse-mitigating mechanisms.

Integrate MESH executive search into the MBYS platform.
Build Primary MBYS user base and support and incentivize user driven contributions

Q4, 2018

Update MBYS platform.
Gather feedback and resolve issues discovered in Beta V1.

Release MBYS Beta v3.
Open discussions.
Licensing deals and partnerships with commercial organizations for increased data sales, posting, and advertising.

Q1, 2019

Contingent on meeting all milestone expectations.
Design development of new platforms using the MESH token protocol.

Official launch of MBYS platform and online marketing campaign.

Social media

MBYS web-siteMBYS RedditMBYS MediumMBYS TelegramMBYS X (Twitter)MBYS FacebookMBYS Github

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