What is Nagaswap
We introduce Nagaswap Protocol, a collision and front-running resistant decentralized exchange protocol on Binance Smart Chain that integrates verifiable delay functions (VDF) as a proof-of-elapsed-time to resolve same-block order conflicts while preventing front-running attacks. Our proposal is the only decentralized exchange protocol that is fully trustless, publicly verifiable, resolvable, liquidity neutral, and front-running resistant.
Token Nagaswap (BNW) of the Nagaswap Protocol project is a cryptocurrency operated on the Binance Smart chain platform. It is a digital asset issued by the Nagaswap project, representing the company's share of capital. It can be used in transactional sessions or payments within the project's ecosystem. In addition, the NagaSwap token can also be used to accumulate points and perform many exchanges/transactions to exploit in Make Money Game.
On the NagaSwap exchange, you can directly swap BNB, BAND, BCH, ALPHA, ... to Token Nagaswap for staking or mining on the platform. For Token Nagaswap players who only want to invest in the price movement of this token instead of rapidly increasing the number of tokens, they can trade on exchanges that the project has listed as hotbit.io and so many exchanges.
DetailsPre-sales: Nov 18, 2020 - Dec 04, 2020Public sales: Dec 05, 2020 - Dec 19, 2020 IEO (Probit Launchpad): Feb 17, 2021 - Mar 23, 2021 Token supply: 1,000,000,000 BNW Total tokens for sale: 16,000,000 BNW Soft cap: 20,000 BNB Hard cap: 100,000 BNB | Token infoTicker: BNWToken standard: BEP20 Token price in USD: 1 BNW = 0.025 USDT Accepted currencies: BNB Bonus program: 20% - Bonus for PROB 12% - Bonus for BTC, ETH, XRP, USDT Token distribution: Mining (Including Genesis Mining) - 20% Ecosystem Support - 30% Binance Gaming Developer Support - 15% Team - 15% Initial Dex/Farm Offering - 20% |
Nagaswap Roadmap
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