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Nansen is an analytics platform for blockchain, which combines on-chain data with a massive and constantly growing database containing millions of wallet labels.

Series B Funding Round: $75M

Series A Funding Round: $12M

Seed Round: $1.2M

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Project industryData Analytics
Product typePlatform

What is Nansen

Nansen analyzes 50M+ labeled Ethereum wallets and their activity. Crypto investors use Nansen to discover opportunities, perform due diligence and defend their portfolios with our real-time dashboards and alerts.

Its core site analyzes billions of on-chain data points, millions of wallet labels, and thousands of crypto-related entities to present all the information that any crypto investor could possibly want, and more that they didn’t know they wanted.

Nansen has an NFT-specific section which it says allows users to “compare activity, portfolio and strategies used by ‘Smart Money’ with your own investment profile.


Raised: 88,200,000 USD


Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
Registration country: Singapore
Registration year: 2020

Project team

Alex Svanevik
Alex Svanevik
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Alex Svanevik linkedin
Lars Bakke
Lars Bakke
Co-founder & Chief Data Engineer
Lars Bakke linkedin
Evgeny Medvedev
Evgeny Medvedev
Co-Founder & Chief Solutions Architect
Evgeny Medvedev linkedin
Akshay Ramasubramanian
Akshay Ramasubramanian
Senior Engineering Manager
Akshay Ramasubramanian linkedin
Isaac Zu
Isaac Zu
Isaac Zu linkedin
Daniel Armitage
Daniel Armitage
Growth & Customer Success Lead
Daniel Armitage linkedin
Daniel Crupiza
Daniel Crupiza
Research Engineer
Evelyn Gesser
Evelyn Gesser
Data Analyst
Evelyn Gesser linkedin

Social media

Nansen web-siteNansen RedditNansen MediumNansenYouTubeNansen LinkedInNansen X (Twitter)Nansen FacebookNansen DiscordNansen Github



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