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Oasis City


Virtual reality platform

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Project industryEvents & Entertainment
Product typePlatform
WhitepaperOasis City White Paper Open

Technical details

Oasis City is a virtual reality cross-platform which allow user experience and interaction between the various constituent developers working together. The Oasis City uses a token, which will serve as a blockchain-based payment asset in the Oasis City Ecosystem. All assets within Oasis City virtual space are directly tied to the blockchain, enabling developers to introduce the concept of scarcity to their produced items, designs, or experiences.


Pre-sales: Nov 16, 2018 - Dec 04, 2018
Pre-sale token supply: 999,000,000
Token supply: 1,200,000,000
Soft cap: 5,300,000USD (fiat)
Hard cap: 31,600,000 USD(fiat)


Registration country: Singapore

Token info

Ticker: OSC
Type: Utility-token
Accepted currencies: ETH
Bonus program:
Presale: 25% bonus
Token distribution:
50% - Private & Pulic Sales
15% - Partner Support
10% - Billing Deposit
10% - Team Member
6% - Advisors
5% - Ecosystem Contributors
4% - Reserve Fund
Funds allocation:
35% - Core & Software development
20% - Marketing
30% - Oasis City Operation
4% - Security & Audit
10% - 3rd-party Development Support
1% - Legal consultation

Oasis City Roadmap

Q1-Q2 2018

Systemic design and research on Oasis City platform and Billing Economy System.

Q3 2018

Oasis City light paper.
Private sale for OSC tokens.

Q4 2018

Development of blockchain based Billing Economy System with Lock-KEY.
Oasis City white paper v1.0
Pre sale for OSC tokens.

Q1 2019

Oasis City Seasons 1 Beta test.
Demo launch of Oasis City’s own contents.
Billing Economy System testnet.
Public sale for OSC tokens.
Initial listing on an exchange.

Q2 2019

Billing Economy System mainnet.
Billing Economy system expansion campaign.

Q3 2019

- Beta test on linking between FBG optical fiber full body suit/glove to Oasis City Beta test on contents from each hub in Oasis City.
- Beta test on Oasis Market Place a dedicated store for NFT items

Q4 2019

- Grand opening of Oasis CitySeason 1
- Official launch of contents for each hub in Oasis City
- Oasis City hub expansion campaign
- Official launch of Oasis Market Place

Q1 2020

- Official service launch for FGB optical fiber full body suit/glove in Oasis City
- Contents for Oasis City hubs expansion campaign

Q2 2020

- Oasis City Season 2 beta test
- Beta test for outside developed contents in Oasis City
- Beta test on linking outside VR equipments module
- Oasis City contents expansion campaign

Q3 2020

- Grand opening of OasisCity Season 2
- Official launch of outside contents for each hub in Oasis City
- Start of linking outside VR equipments module

Project team

Cheor Sik Ok
Cheor Sik Ok
Chief Executive Officer
Cheor Sik Ok linkedin
Sehee Jo
Sehee Jo
Chief Techical Officer
Sehee Jo linkedin
Jungbae Park
Jungbae Park
Hardware Expert & Developer
Jungbae Park linkedin
Min Lee
Min Lee
Blockchain Development Specialist
Min Lee linkedin
Sihyun Kim
Sihyun Kim
3D Engine Specialist
Sihyun Kim linkedin
Ilhak Kim
Ilhak Kim
3D Engine Specialist
Hyunchul Kim
Hyunchul Kim
3D Engine Specialist
Hyunchul Kim linkedin
Youngsu Son
Youngsu Son
System Programmer
Myungjin Song
Myungjin Song
3D Engine Specialist
Myungjin Song linkedin
Jihae Kim
Jihae Kim
3D Modeling Developer
Yunmi Ahn
Yunmi Ahn
3D Technical Artist
Sumin Youn
Sumin Youn
3D Modeling Developer
Sumin Youn linkedin
Eunji Jang
Eunji Jang
3D Graphic Designer
Eunji Jang linkedin
Yongsuk Choi
Yongsuk Choi
3D Modeling Developer
Yongsuk Choi linkedin
Sumi Hwang
Sumi Hwang
Sumi Hwang linkedin
Seoungwon No
Seoungwon No
Daeyoun Lee
Daeyoun Lee
System Designer
Euisoo Lee
Euisoo Lee
Game Designer
Jihong Kim
Jihong Kim
Blockchain Developer
Jongwon Shin
Jongwon Shin
Blockchain Developer
Jongwon Shin linkedin
Jaehyun Yu
Jaehyun Yu
Blockchain Developer
Jaehyun Yu linkedin
Jihyo Na
Jihyo Na
3D Animator
Donghun Kang
Donghun Kang
Unreal Engine Specialist
Donghun Kang linkedin
Gihoon Kang
Gihoon Kang
Hardware Director
Geum Kim
Geum Kim
Jonghyuk Kim
Jonghyuk Kim
Dongmin Lim
Dongmin Lim
Marketing Manager
Hyunjung Choi
Hyunjung Choi
Marketing Designer
Hyunil Lee
Hyunil Lee
Soochul Choi
Soochul Choi
Eric Schiermeyer
Eric Schiermeyer
Eric Schiermeyer linkedin
Jinseok Kim
Jinseok Kim
Yongwon Song
Yongwon Song
Sungwook Yang
Sungwook Yang
Woochan Park
Woochan Park
Changdeok Kim
Changdeok Kim
Yeongyook Kim
Yeongyook Kim
Geunwoo Park
Geunwoo Park
Donghwang Choi
Donghwang Choi
Gaeul Yu
Gaeul Yu
Youngjin Hwang
Youngjin Hwang
Deokha Kim
Deokha Kim
Hyunah Yu
Hyunah Yu
Junhyung Park
Junhyung Park
Changwon Lee
Changwon Lee

Social media

Oasis City web-siteOasis City MediumOasis City TelegramOasis City X (Twitter)Oasis City FacebookOasis City Discord

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