What is Partisia
Partisia Blockchain is a Web 3.0 public blockchain built for trust, transparency, privacy, and speed of light finalization. The cutting-edge solution to decentralization’s confidentiality and privacy challenges, Partisia Blockchain represents the first successful complete integration of blockchain technology with another commercial grade type of distributed cryptography known as Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC). This combination of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) with privacy-enhancing software allows enterprises to experience the advantages of decentralized technologies while still guaranteeing that data remains private and secure.A pioneer in the space, Partisia Blockchain was founded by Partisia, the world-leader in commercial applications of Secure Multi-Party Computation, who have been bringing cutting-edge commercial-grade MPC software solutions to global enterprises since 2008. The team counts a number of well-known industry luminaries among its ranks, including world leading cryptographers, developers, and entrepreneurs.
DetailsPublic sales: May 31, 2022 - Jun 09, 2022IDO (Trustswap Launchpad): May 19, 2022 - May 19, 2022 Token supply: 1,000,000,000 MPC Hard cap: 500,000 USD LegalRegistration country: SwitzerlandOffice address: c/o Sielva Management SA Gubelstrasse 11 6300 Zug Switzerland | Token infoTicker: MPCToken price in USD: 1 MPC = 0.36 USD Token distribution: Private sale - 35% Public sale and treasury - 25% Ecosystem - 20% Team - 15% Reserve - 5% |
Partisia Roadmap
October 2019 - June 2021
Partisia Blockchain
- Version 2.0 will be deployed with block producers and ZK nodes
- Decentralized consensus
- Decentralized governance mechanism including among others:
- Automatic process of becoming a node operator
- Voting mechanisms for decisions among nodes operators and token holders
- Staking mechanism for operating Oracle wallets and ZK computations
- Scoring of node operators
- Inter-chain Oracle wallet
- Smart contracts with and without secret state deployable to Partisia Blockchain including among others:
- Second price auction
- Matching service
- Credit scoring
- Fraud detection
ZK computation
- ZK Computation API
- ZK framework that provide access to trust in a decentralized blockchain
- First versions of multiple blockchain embeddable ZKC protocol
- Seamless orchestration of ZK computations
Partisia Blockchain cross chain computation
- Cross chain demonstrators
- Oracle for BYOC tailored BTC and ETH
- Partnerships that utilizes the inclusion of BTC and ETH and the orchestration of ZK computations
June 2021 - June 2022
Partisia Blockchain
- Version 3.0 will be deployed with at least 20 computation nodes
- The ZK framework will be deployed on the Partisia Blockchain
- Active applications running on the chain
- Strategic partnership agreements supporting the uptake of blockchain applications
- New smart contract language for computation on public and private state
ZK computation
- Generic orchestration will facilitate user defined secure computations using well-defined primitives
- The ZK framework will facilitate simple on-, off- and inter-chain ZK computations that are provable secure and efficient through coordinated pre-processing
Partisia Blockchain cross chain computation
- Inter-chain wallet and generic oracle for most common, liquid tokens
- Oracle for BYOC tailored BTC and ETH
- Partnerships that utilizes the inclusion of BTC and ETH
June 2022 - June 2023
Partisia Blockchain
- Version 4.0 will be deployed with at least 50 computation nodes
- Complete version of new smart contract language supporting public and private state
- The full ZK computation operating system deployed on the Partisia Blockchain
- Full inter-chain operability based on Partisia Blockchain smart contracts with public and private state
- Strategic partnership agreements to further support the uptake of blockchain applications
ZK computation
- The ZK computation operating system will extend the orchestration by facilitating a wide range of node types and security models
- Developing a ZK computation operating system that fully supports independent selection of orchestration, execution of ZK computations as well as an independent definition of security model
- The ZK computation operating system will improve efficiency through dynamic protocol selection
- The ZK operating system will facilitate known types of on-, off- and inter-chain ZK computations
Partisia Blockchain cross chain computation
- Generic oracle for BYOC tailored liquid tokens
- User defined ZK computations done via ZK contracts operating on a numberof chains
- Full inter-chain operability by inter-chain ZK computations and inter-chain wallet allowing direct payments to be made with liquid coins
Project team

Kurt Nielsen
Co-Founder and President of the Foundation Council

Peter F. Frandsen
Co-founder, CTO and Member of the Foundation Council

Brian Gallagher
Co-Founder, Member of the Foundation Council

Jakob Pagter
Member of the Foundation Council

Ivan Damgard
Professor, Chief Cryptographer

Jesper Buus Nielsen
Professor, Chief Cryptographic System Designer

Claudio Orlandi
Associate Proffessor, Chief Cryptographic Protocol Designer

Peter Bogetoft
Chief Economist

Emil Bremer Orloff
Lead Software Developer

Esben Overlund Andersen
Senior Software Developer Team Lead

Jensenko Mehmedbasšić
Technical Lead

Martin Messel
Software Developer

Anders Peter Kragh Dalskov
Cryptographic Engineer

Casper Roursgaard Crhistensen
Software Developer

Joseph Alnajjar
Software Developer

Bjarne Slipsager
Frontend Developer & Scrum Master

Tue Thusboll Holst
Cryptographic Engineer

Tomas Toft
Senior Software Developer

Janus Friis Nielsen
Senior Software Developer

Dan Lund Christensen
Senior Software Developer

Thomas Pelle Jakobsen
Senior Software Developer

Morten Værum
Senior Software Architect

Michael Bæksvang Ostergaard
Senior Security Engineer

Torben Lauritzen
Senior Software Engineer

Zahra JafarGholi
Cryptography Engineer

Thomas Powers
Lead Developer for Partisia Applications

Nick O'Neill
Chief Product Officer of Applications

Carsten Baum
Senior expert on MPC and Blockchain

Allan Linnau
Senior Software Developer

Kristan Rose Schmidt HU
Technical Writer

Jesper Balman Gravgaard
Senior Manager

Jon Michael Aanes
Software Developer

Nagib Aouini

Christian Cachin
Consensus and Blockchain Advisor
Social media