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Request Network (REQ)


Request Network is a decentralized network for payment requests.

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Project industryBlockchain Infrastructure
WhitepaperRequest Network White Paper Open

Technical details

REQ tokens are ERC20 tokens which are necessary to participate in the network and create advanced Requests. The REQ will be paid as fees to the validators of the Request Network (i.e. can be anyone staking his request tokens) and to the developers of the extension. As an investor the fee that one will receive is proportional to the use of the Request Network.

What is Request Network

- The request can be detected and paid in a secure way, without the need to involve a third party settings - The request is saved on an immutable, authentic ledger, which acts as a unique source of truth for accounting and auditing processes settings - Request integrates a trade law system and works across every legislation settings - Request works with every global currency settings - Request is designed to be flexible, to last hundreds of years, and to work with IoT, whilst being compatible with any future systems.


Public sales: Oct 11, 2017 - Oct 15, 2017
Raised: 32,895,000 USD

Token info

Ticker: REQ
Token price in USD: 1 REQ = 0.06 USD
Accepted currencies: TBA
Token distribution:
Crowdsale: 50% Early Backers & Investors: 20% Retained by Request and external Development Fund: 15% Team and advisors (current & future): 15% (will be vested for 2 years). Funds allocation: Development: 55% Research: 15% Marketing & Partnerships: 15% Operations & Business: 10% Legal: 5%

Request Network Roadmap

Q3 2017 Request Pyramid

Release final draft of the whitepaper Launch the Request Network website

Q4 2017 Request Colossus

Token Launch First version of Request working with Ethereum on Test Net Proof of concept : Request Core working with a Bitcoin Oracle Release of the API to create, read and update Requests Release of the technical papers discussing architecture, upgrades, and accounting implementation details

Q1 2018 Request Great Wall

The first iteration of Request working with Ethereum on Main Net Deploy management of crypto-currencies to Request (ERC20 tokens…) Deploy the web site to create, visualize and interact with Requests Add Request management of accounting concepts such as refund, credit note and purchase orders Working on partnerships with Accounting, Payment and Audit firms Launching the "Pay with Request" project: an online button which will offer an alternative to the traditional "Pay with Paypal" and "Pay with credit card" methods Outside audits of the Request Contracts

Q2 2018 Request Stonehenge

Proof of concept of Privacy using ZkSnarks Add management of fiat-currencies to Request (USD, EUR, CNY…) Launching the "Request & Transparency" project. We will work with city halls, associations and governments to publish real time information on their budget. Organize discussion groups around Payment Requests with institutions such as Worldbank, IMF, ECB and the UN

Q3 2018 Request Colosseum

Deploy the Escrow extension to allow the release of funds upon delivery or upon satisfaction of other conditions. Deploy the Tax extension to automatically pay taxes in real time Deploy the Down Payment extension to specify an amount to pay and a specific date on which to process it Deploy the Late Fees extension to specify penalties if a Business is not paid on time. Add a Reputation Offchain layer

Q4 2018 & after Request Petra

Deploy a governance system (Vote/Token Chat) Launching the "Internet of Things framework" project Deploy inter-currency settlement through REQ token to facilitate international payments Launching the "Continuous Payment" extension, which will act as a Down payment with an infinity of micro payments

Project team

Christophe LASSUYT
Christophe LASSUYT
Co-founder & CFO
Christophe LASSUYT linkedin
Etienne TATUR
Etienne TATUR
Co-founder & CTO
Etienne TATUR linkedin
Lead Engineer
Vincent ROLLAND linkedin
Data Scientist
Laura GIROD linkedin
Julien DEVOIR linkedin
Elliott DENIS
Elliott DENIS
Full Stack Engineer
Elliott DENIS linkedin
Gilles FEDAK
Gilles FEDAK
Advisor Co-founder at
Gilles FEDAK linkedin

Social media

Request Network web-siteRequest Network RedditRequest Network MediumRequest Network TelegramRequest Network X (Twitter)Request Network FacebookRequest Network SlackRequest Network Github

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