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Rhea (RHT)


Rhea is a crypto-equity hybrid token which is used to buy options with.

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Project industryTrading & Investing
WhitepaperRhea White Paper Open

Technical details

The Rhea token is ERC-20 compliant and its Token Generation Event (TGE) differs from altcoins offerings, not created on the Ethereum blockchain.

What is Rhea

By trading options on the Crypto20, user will be able to speculate or hedge on the crypto market. Buying and selling options permits investors to monetize their broader view on the market, or vastly reduce their risk exposure. The options platform will offer European calls and puts with maturities from 1 week to 1 year and a wide range of strike prices.

Token info

Ticker: RHT
Dividends: Rhea will pay out quarterly dividends to all token holders. They will be based on transaction costs revenue from options trading before expenses, such as operational and maintenance costs. The base transaction fee is 0.95% with several forms of fee rebates related to high activity and liquidity provision. The dividend payout ratio will range from 20% to 40%, depending on the success of the ICO.
Accepted currencies: ETH
Token distribution:
85% will be offered to investors 15% will be used for liquidity provision and long term reserve

Rhea Roadmap


ICO is over


Token distribution


Options platform is operational


Full historical index information and data download availability


Introducing option greeks


Cryptofund launched if full target is met

Project team

Detelin Sertov
Detelin Sertov
Detelin Sertov linkedin
Georgi Kirilov
Georgi Kirilov
Georgi Kirilov linkedin
Vesselin Antonov
Vesselin Antonov
Lead developer
Vesselin Antonov linkedin
Martina Chikova
Martina Chikova
Design expert
Martina Chikova linkedin
Lyubomira Naneva
Lyubomira Naneva
Marketing specialist
Lyubomira Naneva linkedin

Social media

Rhea web-siteRhea MediumRhea TelegramRhea BTCTalkRhea LinkedInRhea X (Twitter)Rhea FacebookRhea Github

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