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Securypto is a monitizing blockchain platform

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What is Securypto

Securypto is an Zerocoin, Masternode based blockchain project focused on anonymous storage and transfering of encrypted data. A market agitation technology by monetizing anonymous content distribution, creating a new emerging market., transfer or store truly untraceable encrypted messages and files across the internet, linked to an open source hardware wallet for an extra security layer. All the encrypted data and monitizint content transferring will be empowered by internal cryptocurrency SCU.

What is Securypto?

Securypto is a Zerocoin, Masternode based blockchain project focused on anonymous storage & transferring of encrypted data.

A market agitation technology by:

  • Monetizing anonymous content distribution which also gives scope for new emerging market.
  • Transfer or storing of untraceable encrypted messages & files across the internet.
  • Linking to open source hardware wallet for an extra security layer.
  • All Achieved by a combination of specially designed:

  • Dedicated hardware,
  • Software and
  • Blockchain
  • The following 3 unique key combinations (Software, dedicated hardware and lockchain) opens a wide and various door of opportunity to solve many internet related issues and at the same time add a secure, anonymous and privacy layer on the top of it.

    A perfect blend: Combining Securypto and DigiSafeGuard

    Many innovations and betterment in products and services are being made nowadays by combining different technologies to form a single complex working module. In the past years, mixing or blending of different technologies has led to creation of many long lasting and disruptive products. People are combining existing and new emerging technologies to get an innovative outcome which is more advanced as compared to any previous existing version (if any).

    Even individual technologies are disruptive and innovative, but value proposition and disruption they offer often tend to increase significantly when combined with a preexisting or a new emerging technology. For example, Artificial Intelligence has been around for a long time and its disruptive potential has been widely discussed but no solid implementation was done unless emergence of Cloud, Big Data technologies, and low-cost compute. Now, Artificial Intelligence is a key component to any enterprise strategy.

    loT, Machine Vision, Data Discovery, Artificial Intelligence, 3D printing, Blockchain and many more leading technology products were built by bringing together various technologies and innovations together to create significant gains in value as well as its applicability. Traffic monitoring and control in smart cities is made much more convenient by combining computer vision, machine learning, 5G and cloud. Even in crypto world, combination of blockchain and smart contracts has produced a disruptive outcome. Two or more disruptive technologies when used in right combination can work as a charm for any new business module or product.

    It's the same with Securypto. Here, we plan on taking the security and privacy to the next level by combining software, hardware (DigiSafeGuard) and blockchain for the first time. Use of blockchain technology ensures that our system is transparent, trustless and most of all secure. Securypto and DigiSafeGuard leverage one another to enhance their collective value. DigiSafeGuard (DSG) is surely the most secure product as Securypto software blends perfectly with it and provides unmatched privacy and security.

    Some key advantages achieved by combining Securypto (software) with DigiSafeGuard (hardware) are:

    1. Decrypting is processed on DigiSafeGuard which is secured unlike any other smartphone or computer.

    2. Users can use the device (DigiSafeGuard) keyboard to enter the password phrase which is also secured unlike any other smartphone or PC.

    3. DSG is an offline device and hence, hackers can't simply gain access to a device that has no connection to outside world.

    4. DSG has a military grade cryptography based on AES encryption.

    5. Being open source, there is no scope for any backdoor.

    Features of the hardware DigiSafeGuard:

  • Securely store and spend your digital assets like Bitcoin etc. using DSG device which will act as a hardware wallet.
  • Securely send and receive messages and files using any open and insecure channel like WhatsApp, Telegram or email.
  • Login securely to online services like Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, banks etc.
  • Keep all your accounts and login credentials protected and encrypted on your DigiSafeGuard device.
  • Encrypt any sensitive file or directory and keep them safe and secure.
  • Easy to use for everyone, even if you don't understand how encryption works.
  • Users can use any insecure channel, even a compromised PC or Smartphone as every byte leaving DSG device will already be encrypted.
  • Users don't need to trust any third-party, not even the Securypto team to secure their cryptocurrency assets, as they can use any random/ widely available services to create unsigned transaction for spending their cryptocurrencies and let the DigiSafeGuard sign the transaction.
  • Users can use any publicly available crypto software to decrypt their files and messages as we use well known and documented public AES encryption protocol.
  • Users can create, import, export and verify their own RSA key.
  • DigiSafeGuard use cases:

  • Anonymous Encrypted Messaging.
  • Anonymous Encrypted File transfer.
  • Hardware wallet.
  • 2FA & Login management.
  • Standalone Data Encryption device.
  • Hardware Data vault.
  • Securypto is not just a gimmick, giving a sense of security, but designed by death or alive thoughts premise)


    Pre-sales: Dec 03, 2018 - Dec 31, 2018
    Public sales: Dec 03, 2018 - Apr 01, 2019
    Token supply: 100,000,000 SCU
    Soft cap: 250 ETH
    Hard cap: 25,000 ETH


    Country limitations: USA
    Registration country: Netherlands

    Token info

    Ticker: SCU
    Type: Utility-token
    Token price in USD: 1 SCU = 0.12715 USD
    Token price in ETH: 1ETH = 1260 SCU
    Accepted currencies: ETH
    Bonus program:
    Pre-ICO week 1 - 30%
    Pre-ICO week 2 - 26%
    Pre-ICO week 3 - 23%
    Pre-ICO week 4 - 20%
    ICO week 1 - 18%
    ICO week 2 - 16%
    ICO week 3 - 14%
    ICO week 4 - 12%
    ICO week 5 - 10%
    ICO week 6 - 8%
    ICO week 7 - 6%
    ICO week 8 - 4%
    ICO week 9 - 2%
    Token distribution:
    70% - Crowd Sale
    8% - Treasury
    7% - Developer Team
    5% - Bounty
    5% - Angel Investors
    3% - ICO Team
    2% - Airdrop
    Funds allocation:
    30% - Marketing
    25% - Blochchain Development
    17% - DSG Development
    10% - Legal
    10% - Reserve
    5% - Bounty
    3% - ICO Team

    Securypto Roadmap

    Q1 2017

    Market research;
    Dev team assembling;
    Initial software development.

    Q2 2017

    Hardware team assembling;
    Initial hardware vault research DigiSafeGuard.

    Q3-Q4 2017

    Further development of hardware;
    Further development of software.

    Q1 2018

    Phototype production DigiSafeGuard;
    DigisafeGuard website launch.

    Q2 2018

    Control panel development;
    ERC-20 ICO contract creation.

    Q3 2018

    ICO contract testing;
    ICO Promotion team assembling;
    Setup Community & Social media platforms;
    Marketing preparation.

    Q4 2018

    Test-net Masternode/Staking reconstructing;
    Initial Hardware development;
    Start ICO sale.

    Q1 2019

    Initiating ICO public sale;
    Media promotion and publications.

    Q2 2019

    Test-net activation Securypto Blockchain;
    Marketing team assembling.

    Q3 2019

    IPFS integration preparation;
    Dekstop wallet development;
    Linux, Windows & Mac.

    Q4 2019

    Andtoid & iOS wallet development;
    Onion routing integration preparation;
    IPFS integration.

    Q1 2020

    Integration external hosting facilities;
    Hardware vault production DSG;
    Onion routing activation;
    Preparation Securypto main-net.

    Q2 2020

    Securypto main-net launch;
    Exchanges adoption;
    Hardware production DSG-Lite version.

    Project team

    Sam Nokati
    Sam Nokati
    Lead Developer
    Sam Nokati linkedin
    Ahmed Rasheed
    Ahmed Rasheed
    Ahmed Rasheed linkedin
    Neyamul Hadi
    Neyamul Hadi
    Content & Community Manager
    Neyamul Hadi twitter
    Mohammad Sakib
    Mohammad Sakib
    Content & Community Manager
    Mohammad Sakib linkedin

    Social media

    Securypto web-siteSecurypto RedditSecuryptoYouTubeSecurypto TelegramSecurypto InstagramSecurypto X (Twitter)Securypto Facebook



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