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Tableland is a decentralized database built on the SQLite engine, providing SQL APIs deployed to multiple blockchains, including Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, and Optimism.

Seed Round: $1.5 Million

Series A Round: $8 Million

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Project industryData Analytics
Product typeTechnology
WhitepaperTableland White Paper Open

What is Tableland

Tableland is a decentralized database built on the SQLite engine, providing developers with a web3-native, relational database that easily integrates into their stack. With Tableland, you can:

  • Utilize SQL to interact with web3 data, making the development process simpler and more efficient.
  • Configure row-level access rules driven by wallet addresses, token ownership, account balances, and any logic you choose.
  • Build robust data pipelines that process and distribute large amounts of data for DeFi, DeSci, games, and more, all decentralized and autonomous, leveraging Tableland's infrastructure.

Deploy across multiple blockchains, including Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, and Optimism, and be a part of the growing number of projects using Tableland for data-driven applications.


Raised: 9,500,000 USD

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