


THEFANDOME: Running fandom platform for Geeks, Fans, and Entertainment Business worldwide with fanmanagement, advertising statistics, and utility token provision.

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Project industrySocial Network & Communication
Product typePlatform
WhitepaperTHEFANDOME White Paper Open


  • Web Platform & Mobile Apps
  • Themed & Classified Geek Content
  • FanTech Features for Self-Expression
  • Business Tools for Media Holdings
  • Account status for life


Pre-sales: Mar 03, 2018 - Mar 17, 2018


Social media: 70%
Bitcoin talk signature campaign: 30 %

Token info

Ticker: FDT
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-20
Token price in USD: 1 Token = 0.000656 USD
Token price in ETH: 1 Token = 0.000328 ETH
Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, USD
Bonus program:
First 100 000 FDT +50% of tokens at purchase from 10 tokens
Next 500 000 FDT +40% of tokens at purchase from 100 tokens
Next 1 000 000 FDT +30% of tokens at purchase from 100 tokens
Funds allocation:
13% - Stock for labour remuneration of the company staff
43% - Marketing measures
25% - Technical base maintenance
19% - Contingencies


2015 Idea Generation

In 2015, founder of THEFANDOME Eugeniy Gololobov conceptualized a global platform for geeks worldwide, inspired by ideas of his previous projects. At the same time, he started testing hypotheses about the market, its players, audience expectations and the essence of the entertainment industry

Each month of scrupulous research of the audience has been leading to a clear understanding of what product fans need and what problems it must solve.

Later in the year, Alexey Grigoriev joined the project team. He became engaged in THEFANDOME philosophy and decided to invest in the product from his own resources. It was the start of active work on implementation of the portal idea.

1Q 2016 Alpha Version Development

Development of an alpha version of began almost immediately with the participation of Kirill Kuznetsov and Alexander Marchuk, owners of web development company AIRWS and reliable partners with whom THEFANDOME cooperate ever since.

In a few months, the first iteration of the portal saw the light and waited to be tested on real users. The first enthusiasts, among which were not only fans but professional cosplayers and bloggers as well, greatly contributed to the site development and debugging.

It was an important stage with regard to the assessment of viability THEFANDOME. Alpha version testing left no doubts about the project potential. Therefore Eugeniy and Alexey started to look for resources needed for the next development stage.

2Q 2016 Beta Version Development
3Q 2016 Comic Con Russia 2016

Presentation of THEFANDOME to the wide audience at Comic Con Moscow 2016 became a major milestone of the project. Eugeniy, Alexey, and Eduard rented a large exhibition stand and decorated it in the geek style. They show the event guests how many different types of fans there are in the world and how THEFANDOME is going to deal with them. Also, they let anyone willing to learn more about the site features.

By then, substantive work on the beta version of was almost complete but there still were some flaw and bugs. Despite that, hundreds of people were signing up to right at the exhibition while posting photos with THEFANDOME stand on their new profiles. The team arrived at Comic Con Moscow with an encyclopedia about geek culture #Geekyourself written by the project founder Eugeniy Gololobov. All the books were sold well before the end of the event.

Lose voices, live communication with the potential audience and media sources (including TV Rain), as well as positive feedback from the guests brought many good emotions and strength for the further achievements.

4Q 2016 Office Opening

Upon returning from Comic Con Moscow, THEFANDOME team collected all the feedback, statistics and proved hypotheses and presented their product to IQDEMY International whose President agreed to invest in the project development and offered his mentoring. In November-2016, THEFANDOME formed its own staffing capacity. The team started to fulfill the site with content and communicate with the users. Eugeniy never stopped improving the portal structure and its feature. The results of his efforts are already preparing for release.

Each day there was something new about hobbies and unusual kinds of fans, dozens of people offered their grant assistance and took responsibility for communities’ administration. In addition to awareness of geek culture versatility, it had become clear that is a vital product for fans. In the first instance, THEFANDOME team focused on the feedback gathering and fast implementation of their and users’ interesting ideas. It was a time of endless improving and upgrading on the way to the best version.

In addition, the team initiated marketing efforts started with the help of YouTube cross-promotion, social networks, and contextual advertising. It ended with new users and UGC-content.

3Q 2017 New Ideas

THEFANDOME team reviewed the portal activity and came to the conclusion that it hit a resource ceiling: purposes and tasks go beyond budgets. In the last 6 months, the work aimed to cooperation with the audience while business issues were secondary. It was time to focus on the latter, using already tested and proved models.

In the end of summer-2017, the team decided to give up the idea to participate in Comic Con again, concentrated on seeking investment, and further developing the product. At that time Eugeniy already had a prototype of the third and final site iteration absorbed all THEFANDOME experience.

4Q 2017 Release Version Development

In October, the final site iteration went into the programming work. Despite the fact that the development is not over yet and the release date is only in the spring of 2018, the team can guarantee the quality if the product. It represents the unity of values, experiences, and knowledge of all the people who somehow belong to the work on the project: from founders to users of the site. THEFANDOME is literally the most universal and full portal for fans.

At the same time, the project was joined by Maxim Shpak, the expert in the field of cryptocurrency and ITO. With his advising and assistance, THEFANDOME team considered participation in primarily token offering and crowdsale.

Already developed business model of the product perfectly matched blockchain essence and opened new opportunities for commercial clients of the site. Thus, the team started to prepare for ITO in December-2017.

1Q 2018 Release of iteration, ITO

The full circle of THEFANDOME’s utility-tokens sale would last until May-2018. During this time, the team will be glad to answer all the questions about ITO and the product.

Alongside with the start of pre-ITO (March-2018) would be released the final version of the site which absorbed the best the team tried and tested in the last years and is endlessly proud of.

Depending on the successfulness of ITO campaign, THEFANDOME continues its development according to with one of the 4 strategies: PAX Earth, PAX Europa, PAX Westworld and Asian Dragon, PAX North Hemisphere The final strategy will be announced within 1 month once Token Sale ends.

Project team

Eduard Mirchev
Eduard Mirchev
Co-founder, CMO
Eduard Mirchev linkedin
Evgeny Gololobov
Evgeny Gololobov
Founder, CTO
Evgeny Gololobov linkedin
Alexey Grigoriev
Alexey Grigoriev
Co-founder, CFO
Alexey Grigoriev linkedin
Maxim Shpak
Maxim Shpak
Lead Project Manager
Maxim Shpak linkedin
Katerina Kondrenko
Katerina Kondrenko
Chief editor
Katerina Kondrenko linkedin
Kirill Kuznetsov
Kirill Kuznetsov
Technical partner, AIRWS Studio owner
Timur Bazarov
Timur Bazarov
Chief designer
Alexey Permyakov
Alexey Permyakov
Page makeup expert
Alexey Permyakov linkedin
Alexander Marchuk
Alexander Marchuk
Technical partner, co-owner of AIRWAYS Studio
Alexander Marchuk linkedin
Vasily Evstegneev
Vasily Evstegneev
Lead programmer AIRWs
Mikhail Volkov
Mikhail Volkov
Frontend programmer AIRWs
Yury Moroz
Yury Moroz
Yury Moroz linkedin

Social media


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